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  1. IvyPirate

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Leaves dying off from the bottom are a sure sign of nute difficiency- probably nitrogen. It takes a while for the plant to recover- and the leaves that die off will not come back in great numbers. As long as you keep on a regular feeding cycle your ladies should be okay if a little scraggly...
  2. IvyPirate

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    You mentioned your plants came from bag seed- without knowing the strain it's hard to determine when it should start flowering- last year one of my strains did not start flowering until mid-August (though this year a male just popped balls yesterday July 31). You might want to consider cutting...
  3. IvyPirate

    uk outdoor grow 2014-The one we have all been waiting for!...

    One other point (and I know from experience)- the yellow leaves are indicating a nute deficiency in your plants. What are you using and what is your feeding schedule?
  4. IvyPirate

    uk outdoor grow 2014-The one we have all been waiting for!...

    Good luck with the grow! Your plants in the ground look too closely bunched but you mentioned you will prune out males. If law of averages works in your favor and you have few males you may want to consider sacrificing a female or two to make the rest prosper. Your plants in the grow bags look...
  5. IvyPirate

    Backyard Grow 2014

    Well I spoke too freaking soon- I went out to take pics of he bees on my male plants and did a quick inspection of my three ladies when I got home yesterday. Or, Should I say my TWO ladies: my giant 7 ft sativa sprang a bunch of balls in the past 24 hours (the same seed strain that last year's...
  6. IvyPirate

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    I'm long past 40 and have been all around the world but still find the simple things hold the best meaning. That attitude (plus a supply of homegrown that came from my own efforts) keeps me going in the face of adversity. Speaking of which...check my thread entry Aug 1 for details Continued...
  7. IvyPirate

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    I've been offline for a few weeks and just found your thread; rare that I go back 16 pages but this thread is the bomb! So much more than just about growin'! The in-laws live in southern MN, a couple of cousins do some recreational growing, your thread makes me want to go up for a visit! I look...
  8. IvyPirate

    Backyard Grow 2014

    It's been a few weeks with little to report. I'm down to three plants as my mystery seed plant turned out to be a male of pure sativa characteristics- it was nearly 7 ft tall when I noticed the first balls this past weekend. Oh well... I had saved my male Pineapple Train Wreck to pollinate...
  9. IvyPirate

    Bubblegum glum

    I'm an expert at sickly plants- been growing them for years!! Your pictures from last Friday show really god looking plants with the occasional sick leaf. Keep measuring your pH to make sure you stay in the proper range. If the leaves at the bottom of the plant start to yellow/die off then for...
  10. IvyPirate

    how long left to harvest?

    That's what I shoot for- but if you have an indica plant and you try to harvest early what you might get is smoke without a lot of punch. I have read and shoot for about a 2/1 ratio of cloudy to clear for all plants- from what I understand if you harvest early you decrease the intensity of the...
  11. IvyPirate

    Relief from outdoor animals

    My buddy uses a variant of the panty hose with human hair: fill up one used leg stocking with cat hair. Works wonders (so he says) on chipmunks and other critters.
  12. IvyPirate

    Backyard Grow 2014

    No rain since last post six days ago- the soil in the two 12 gal containers are still pretty moist; Promix is real light when dry but it holds soooo much moisture I still cannot lift/move the containers, can only drag them in my grow area. My back procedures over the past six months have caught...
  13. IvyPirate

    How do Feds find our plants outside ???

    You didn't say how many plants or where you are growing. If in your yard- as mentioned, keep your neighbors happy & be discreet with your crop. If you have a nosy/big mouth neighbor be very careful. My new neighbors are cool & young but when their parents (who are in my age range) came to...
  14. IvyPirate

    how long left to harvest?

    Your plants look real small to have those buds that size- still I think you are a way away from harvesting. Hard to tell without seeing live but I would say anywhere between 4 and 8 weeks. As said previously, be patient: at this point it feels like eternity but you will be rewarded for waiting...
  15. IvyPirate

    2014 Backyard Grow

    I can't tell from the top picture (and don't remember if you mentioned in the past)- are you growing your plants under some sort of canopy? They are looking great by the way
  16. IvyPirate

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    I use an Aerogarden to germ my seeds- this year I got 6 out of 10 to pop (low percentage compared to past years); so I took 3 bag seeds and put them in a small pot filled with container soil- all 3 popped within 3 days. Next year I might just skip the Aerogarden all together and germ my seeds...
  17. IvyPirate

    Making my own strain

    Since today has become a lazy day (and I haven't even had anything to smoke...yet) I did some research on Pineapple Train Wreck. Being a sativa-dom it would have made a nice addition to my mainly sativa grow. I also checked out whodat's thread but am open to other pointers on how to pollinate...
  18. IvyPirate

    Making my own strain

    Thanks for the hint, I'll check the thread. All of my plants are in containers
  19. IvyPirate

    Making my own strain

    LOL- it took me a few moments to figure out how to use the Force Luke Pollination method! I should of thought of that option from the get go! Nothing to lose... Speaking of which, any suggestions on how to pollinate just part of the plant? I don't want/need all the buds to be seedy (I'm seedy...
  20. IvyPirate

    Making my own strain

    I received a Pineapple Train Wreck seed from a friend so I grew it- what a beautiful plant! Until this weekend when, out in my backyard garden, I noticed baby balls forming all over the plant. Damn.... My other three plants (all showing female characteristics) are a Sativa-dom Jock Horror, a...