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  1. Nitegazer

    Quick and easy scrog question.

    just under is fine.
  2. Nitegazer

    SCROG question

    Short answer: You should flip when the screen is about half to two-thirds full of green. Keep tucking under the screen for a couple weeks, as much through stretch as possible. Stop when bud sites are developing. You will fill the rest of the screen as flowering starts. Better answer: read this...
  3. Nitegazer

    How can I edit?

    There's an 'Edit Post' button on the bottom of your post-- hit it.
  4. Nitegazer


    If you want serious help finding a technique, I would Google 'Painless Suicide Techniqes'-- lots of good info, and you'll find better information that what most of us stoners can provide. There are a surprising number of sites on the topic. Then again, this thread might just be for some laughs...
  5. Nitegazer

    Michelle Malkin visits Pot Shop!

    Thanks for that. The comments below the article are enlightening too. It seems many are done denying the medical benefits of cannabis. Many conservatives just seem more comfortable if it's processed into a pill, particularly if it renders the drug non-intoxicating. Activists must advance the...
  6. Nitegazer

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    Nice work! There are a couple things I might quibble with (exemptions to the act may need to be broadened a bit), but I'll leave that to the lawyers. I would like to see more push back using the 9th-- there are too many laws that have been passed to restrict rights without a compelling reason, a...
  7. Nitegazer

    Help me choose a good game

    I agree with Portal 2 and Total War-- both are fabulous. Also consider Mass Effect 3-- there is a setting to make it more story and less shooter. If you have other folks in the same room that you are interested in gaming with, you might just want to try some board games. In terms of strategy...
  8. Nitegazer

    First grow going horribly wrong...

    So many mj plants killed with love...
  9. Nitegazer

    Thermoflo Blackened Ducting or DIY Light Baffle?

    Ok-- think I'm set. Thanks RIU folk! I'll report back if I have any problems or revelations.
  10. Nitegazer

    Thermoflo Blackened Ducting or DIY Light Baffle?

    Nice alternative. Unfortunately, the layout of my rooms would make this option less desirable for me (I'm trying to work with just one air intake for both lights). Your layout was something that I hadn't even considered though, so thanks!
  11. Nitegazer

    Thermoflo Blackened Ducting or DIY Light Baffle?

    Yeah, I'm thinking I will start with the Thermoflow flex duct, and then add a baffle if needed. I have found that if anything is worth investing in with a grow room, it's ventilation.
  12. Nitegazer

    Thermoflo Blackened Ducting or DIY Light Baffle?

    I have adjacent veg and flowering rooms that run both lights off a single duct. The duct runs from outside, though a 250W cool tube, then through the wall to the next room to a 400w air-cooled hood before hitting the fan and venting outside. My fan is a 333cfm S&P silent inline. I have had some...
  13. Nitegazer

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    FIM is about the placement of the cut. It does some damage to the youngest brranches on the stem. Since they are damaged, the next lower pair of branches have the chance to develop and catch up to the top ones.
  14. Nitegazer

    Purple Cookie is EPIC!!

    Sweet lookin lady, GM. Hope to hear about the smoke!
  15. Nitegazer

    LISTEN UP....Place your votes....

    ^^^ This, and I wish more people realized it. Just know that you can't get something for nothing; everything's a trade off. A successful FIM will result in more tops than a simple topping; the trade off is that the tops will either develop slightly smaller or slightly slower. The difference in...
  16. Nitegazer

    The Sensible Toker: Why Potency Doesn't Matter Any More

    I wonder if it's partially an age issue-- I'm in my 40s; maybe that makes me 'delicate,' lol. How old are your friends?
  17. Nitegazer

    The Sensible Toker: Why Potency Doesn't Matter Any More

    I suppose I would prefer pot that gets me high and has no flavor to some that has lots of flavor, but doesn't get me high. It's a matter of degree-- there's a limit to the amount of potency that I want, but no limit to the amount of flavor and aroma (and even color) that I'm looking for.
  18. Nitegazer

    The Sensible Toker: Why Potency Doesn't Matter Any More

    True, though the abilitiy to home grow has become far easier in recent years, and I expect it to get only easier. Many states are decriminalizing (if not legalizing to some extent) and the federal government seems a lot less interested in small non-commercial grows, so the risks are less.
  19. Nitegazer

    The Sensible Toker: Why Potency Doesn't Matter Any More

    Good point-- from a grower's perspective, getting the most potent weed has more to do with getting your technique dialed in than purchasing a killer strain. You are so right about the tolerance break. A good portion of those hungry for the highest potency may in part need it because of tolerance.
  20. Nitegazer

    The Sensible Toker: Why Potency Doesn't Matter Any More

    Agreed-- I hope that some of what I wrote didn't come off as snobbish. I have spent years of my life hard up for good herb, and I've smoked more resin scrapped from bowls than I care to remember. There are more and more people who do have choices willing to spend cash for something other than...