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  1. edux10

    shipping containers as houses

    YouTube - UG 31 Shipping Container Grow
  2. edux10

    shipping containers as houses

    did you see the urban grower on this topic?
  3. edux10


    Dude, if someone was coming into your house and fucking it up wouldn't your retaliate?
  4. edux10


    to say that 9/11 was not a setup is just ignorant. Anyone that says that is just ignoring the facts. These films do a very good job of explaining in detail what was going on. I think that they are right on. This goes to show. I always say, I am not going to vote because it doesn't really matter...
  5. edux10

    How do you smoke your weed?

    Here are my girlfriends and my pieces. i have some more but these are the one we use regulary. I wake up an normally have a couple bowls out of the bub, that is an easy peace to start the day. these are both my ladys peices. I had a really nice one (she actually got it for me too) and the cat...
  6. edux10

    How do you smoke your weed?

    The pic of that bong looks like a wang from far
  7. edux10

    Party pills?

    man, i don't know about all those crazy 'herbal extasy' pills. I think that if a drug is good, then people will know about it. This stuff doesn't seem like it is legit but I have never tried anything like it. How did the Spice Gold make you feel? What were the ingredents? How long did it last?
  8. edux10

    How to Sell Your Weed

  9. edux10

    my beautiful plant is losing all its fan leaves. 2 weeks left

    they don't look yellow? did you take the yellow leaves off?
  10. edux10

    SHHH its hiddin (First grow)

    I think a light would be the number one thing. They really aren't that expensive. Look on craigslist. You could drop a hundred bux and probably get like a 400watter at least. I see people getting rid of lights all day long... Might not have the nicest reflector but in the long run that 1oo...
  11. edux10

    What strain is selling well in your area

    Here in cali it is Purple Erkle, GDP, A bunch of Kushes, and ogs (they seem to be mixed up all too often, ogs are usually more sative.) Not enough Haze!! Mendo and Humboldt bud. When someone has any bud from here it is usually THE BOMB
  12. edux10

    SHHH its hiddin (First grow)

    are you going to put a real light in there? If you are that looks like it will fair very nicely...
  13. edux10

    Please help. new leaves look like this!!! Im sure its easy to fix!!

    Thanks for the help man, I think i got it under control now. You can flush easy with soil. Just run 3x the amount the volume of the soil with pHed water. See the only problem that makes flushing a pain with my system is that the pots are just in sacuers. Man, I have to flush for a couple...
  14. edux10

    Feed every other watering with 1 res

    I was wondering how it would be possible to feed every other watering with one res. Am I missing something? I am reading a lot of places that it is bad to feed every watering. I just had my soil lock up and want to avoid this. So I have a drip system with 16 plant sites. It is connected to...
  15. edux10

    is marijuana a

    Well annuals are ones that only live one time each year. mj lives from spring to fall then, in nature, dies and hopefully spreads some seeds and they sit there chillin till next spring then germ and grow annually
  16. edux10

    Sign here if youve Smoked Weed

    Ok my fav strain is Bubba Kush. Happy now??
  17. edux10

    Please help. new leaves look like this!!! Im sure its easy to fix!!

    Just flush a lot and it should be good to go. When the soil dries, feed it lightly. The soil is locked up and not letting the roots absorb the nutes whatsoever.
  18. edux10

    Please help. new leaves look like this!!! Im sure its easy to fix!!

    did that advice that I pmed you help? Mine strated to look better right after I flushed them out. I don't know but it sounds like you had the same problem and you seem to be putting a lot of shit in your nute water. Cut it all out. You don't really need to overdo it on the nutes, and you don't...
  19. edux10

    Please help. new leaves look like this!!! Im sure its easy to fix!!

    Thanks guys, everyone on here is alway so helpful. I had this problem before a while ago, then I thought it was too little MG. So those plants died and the next batch I figure I need to bump up the MG. It looked like MG def. from the chart. So that makes perfect sense. Just too much MG in the...
  20. edux10

    $$$$$$$$!!!Best cash cropp!!!!!$$$$$$

    good advice, but you can see what I am saying right here. I personally know a lot of people that consume mj. I don't really know anyone that will buy a zone for 500 plus though. No matter how good it is. We just have so much of it going around that no on will pay that. Clubs are not even...