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  1. edux10

    burn/ curled leaves....but not nutrient

    yeah, that shit is from not having any nutes. It is not really burn. Its dying because it has nothing to eat. Make sure your pH is correct too and you will be sitting pretty. DWC is really easy.
  2. edux10

    Saints Row 2 - Tomorrow

    meh, im not really too into that game. the first one was ok. whatever. its no GTA and even that is pretty dated...
  3. edux10

    fuckit - tell me what strain YOU GUYS wanna see get grown!!!

    are these going to be grown in a cardboard box?
  4. edux10

    question of the day

    12 will get you 20
  5. edux10

    Im doing everything right. Why is plant yellowing??

    I had this problem for a while too. It is becuase they are not getting enough food. It is either that your pH is off and the plant is not getting to absorb the right nutes in the right amounts or that the plant is not getting fed enough. If it is not getting fed enough it could either be that...
  6. edux10


    well its like if you have never tried something then how are you going to judge it. I know you could make some smart ass comment like 'well how do you know you don't like sex with a dude till you try it' but think about all the people that think weed is stupid and have never tried it? Why are...
  7. edux10

    Advice on Moving to CALI! +rep for good advice

    thats what I thought
  8. edux10

    Advice on Moving to CALI! +rep for good advice

    what is up with everyone posting a comment then waiting 3 minutes them making some smart ass comment about how no one is responding??
  9. edux10

    stupid ass, retarded question......maybe

    LCD?? you going to put your hi def tv in your plant water?
  10. edux10

    Start Over ? Pics*

    by the pics it looks like the plant is really lite green. maybe your ph is locked up cuz you shouldn't really have to be using nutes at this point. hhhmmmmm, i donno but it should be a lot darker. what light do you have? Maybe it is too close? Something don't look right and it should def. be...
  11. edux10

    New grow and list of materials (with prices)

    you will be a lot happier with the results and it will cause you a lot less headaches if you get a real light. Maybe use the Cfls for veg but you will def. want a hps for flower. It will totally pay for itself and you wont have to deal with a crap ton of lights. Its up to you but maybe get a 150...
  12. edux10

    Need answer a.s.a.p!

    you would be surprised with bagseed sometimes. I know I germed some like 8 weeks ago and they are in their 2ndweek of flower and are looking BOMB. I am pretty sure they came from a bag of OG so these are some good genetics. Most of the elite strains came from Badseed. Well almost all you know...
  13. edux10

    Need answer a.s.a.p!

    you will be fine with no lite for a day if the seed has not sprouted yet. As soon as you see it starting to pop out of t soil you are going to need a lite on it. Even put it in a window for now but no longet than a day without a lite.
  14. edux10

    Need answer a.s.a.p!

    i you want you can just keep adding cfls too. People do their whole grows with just these lights. They are not the best and you shouldnt expect much if you just use cfls, but it sounds like you are just starting out so that may be your best bet. Do some research and get some money together...
  15. edux10

    Need answer a.s.a.p!

    you would have to get a cfl bulb. You will be fine for a couple days if you get one of those. Not a normal bulb though. This will not work and your plant will die from lack of light and not the right spectrum
  16. edux10

    1 week enough?

    yeah, those look really nice. Even if you had to cut them early they would still come out pretty good. Try to let them go for a couple more weeks if you can. I donno, can you put up any protection to shield them from the rain?? I hear that it is going to rain too. They said that about this last...
  17. edux10

    Choice hydroponics kit 35$

    hahaha. I dont see a light. I could easy buy all that stuff at WalMart.
  18. edux10

    Need advice with yellowing plant groth

    ok, this is problem that I was having for quite some time. It was a little different for me cuz I was using soil and hand feeding but essencially it is the same problem. when you are new to this you can mistake burn for deffencacy. I really think that your plants may not be getting fed enough...
  19. edux10

    its almost done!

    Dude, you should just invest the extra 50 bux and get a 600watter. scrap the light mover. besides that you are doing great. You may want to extend it a little if you are using a 4x4 tray to give it some room. In that you could fit a lot of plants if you keep them small. I fit 9 in a space like...
  20. edux10

    There gonna be giving a vaporizer

    and it says buy turns so i am guessing that you have to pay money to play this game.