burn/ curled leaves....but not nutrient


Well-Known Member
its like burnt its a brownish color
and is getting on some of my other leaves
and spreading all over the leaf

also these leaves just curled
happened to a couple was wondering
what couldve causes that

any ideas,,,thank you?


Well-Known Member
yeah, that shit is from not having any nutes. It is not really burn. Its dying because it has nothing to eat. Make sure your pH is correct too and you will be sitting pretty. DWC is really easy.


Well-Known Member
then i retract my previous statement. unless the plants are just too close to the light... what makes you think its not nutrient related?

Yes Sir

Active Member
are you growing in a hydro hut or habitat? If so keep an eye on newer growth, if you see it start to yellow from the stem outward it is possibly due to ozone pollution. the huts were made with an abs plastic that does not breath and requires a very strong ventilation system. gases are released i beleave around 85 and causes the plants to sufficate. I lost two crops last year due to this problem from them.


Well-Known Member
i meant as in im not over nuting it cause
if anything im under nuting cause
my nutes sometimes dont distribute
the entire load.

Yes Sir

Active Member
what do you mean they dont distribute?
what nutes are you using, are salt buildups possible in that medium?

Yes Sir

Active Member
Whats your humidity at? what kind of vent system do you have in there? It doesnt look like a nute def. to mecause theres no real yellowing or color change creeping in from any direction on the leaves. the leaves look to me like there trying to disipate heat/ water. they usually do this with high temps or salt build ups. possibly your humidity is incredibly low and your plant is trying to equalize the moisture between the two different enviornments (roots to leaves)? its trying to cool itself but it can't do it at the rate thats necissary. Is this happening to a certain area of the plant or is it just random? never seen a problem like that with low humidity though (ive had mine in the 20's with no probs.) thats the best reasoning i can think of


Well-Known Member
my humidity is 30-50
it is a yellowing and browing if
saw in person....spreading all over the leaf but not other
ones just the ones it started in
i appreciate all the help
thank youbongsmilie