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  1. G

    where do i find certain soil?

    Where do i find fox farms soil or good soil?would home depot be a good place to look or where?thres not special shops around here so im just wondering if neone knows can u please let me know
  2. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    depends if ur gonna top ur plants or just let them grow out.and by showed i meant she popped from the soil haha,i hope shes a girl or im gonna cry :-( haha.usually u veg for 5 weeks depending on if ur gonna top or not,if ur gonna top id say 5 weeks if not id say 4 maybe 3 depending on how much...
  3. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    Ok so Bubbles has popped through the soil,shes looking so cute so far cant wait for her to really take off!!
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    My first grow ever.

    yea looking GREAT!
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    Big question about lights

    thank u very much
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    First Grow

    thanks,and yea im folling this grow till the end
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    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    looking pretty,my plant showed today yay!!!but yea just keep ur PH right and everything should be fine,looking so perrrty!hehe
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    Lighting Question.

    yea please let us know!
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    My first grow ever.

    yea send me that friend request on the 360 and illa ccept that shit,i dont got MW2 yet but i got other games like Gears 2 and Halo 3.
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    My first grow ever.

    how is that game?i got a 360 if u have a 360 add me my GT is KillaChimps.I wanna buy Modern warfare 2 so bad
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    Big question about lights

    Where do i find a cheap HPS setup or where do i find one in general online?is there any other cheaper sources im using CFLS at the moment i heard somethign a bout metal halide would that work?please let me know!:weed:
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    My first grow ever.

    im following,check out my th read will have pics this weekend just planted a bubbleicious seed last night
  13. G

    how long does it take for the seed to....

    yes i germed the seed and planted it about half inch deep,i hope it shows its head soon because the wait is killing me haha i just get worried easily
  14. G

    how long does it take for the seed to....

    Break teh soil?to finally start growing?Im just wondering its been under the soil now for well over a day and im wondeirng how long until it shows its beautiful head?!?!?!
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    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    yea im still waiting for the baby to poke through the soil.Hopefully it does by tommorrow
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    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    thank u stoner barbie,im following ur grow till the end as well.heres a kiss for goodluck hun MWAH
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    First Grow

    good so far,good luck on the grow man check out my thread i just started another grow bubbleicious seeds.will follow ur grow till the end!~!
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    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    yea man stick around for the party and ull learn about this strain i know what im doing so yea!!~!!going to check out ur other grow righ tnow
  19. G

    New To Indoors, Any advice?

    CFLS,Organic soil of some sort,organic is the best way to go,try to avoid miracle grow
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    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    yup he supplied the seed bought from nirvana.and some good nutes which i wont be using for this growe dont want to mess it up!~!and the soil so without him no grow haha.Im just doing the hard part and teaching him along the way