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  1. chiselsr

    Leafs curling up, cant seam to raise the humidity. help

    there 6 days under the 1000watt first pic is the first day and the second is know. if the light was to much would it still grow this good?
  2. chiselsr

    Leafs curling up, cant seam to raise the humidity. help

    they where under a 400 watt mh, then i got this 1000watt . they have been under it for almost a week. my talest one is 27 iches away, and the other are like 48 inches away.
  3. chiselsr

    Leafs curling up, cant seam to raise the humidity. help

    see i was thinking that to, so i put two different temp gages level with the tops of my plants to make sher my gage wasnt fucked up. they ant over 83
  4. chiselsr

    Leafs curling up, cant seam to raise the humidity. help

    the temp stays around 80-82 veg
  5. chiselsr

    Leafs curling up, cant seam to raise the humidity. help

    my gage says its 44 high. i dont understand what the high is for. i went down and got a cool air humidifier and put it in there. nothing, it didnt move. so i put a hot air humidifier in there with it to see if i could raise it at all, and nothing. its still 44. my light is a 1000watt, is it...
  6. chiselsr

    Forget MH im going back to Flourescent

    u need at lest a 160 cfm sucking air out of ur room. if u can suck off the light then even better. u have to have almost that much cfms blowing in. I have a 2.5x 4x 7 closet that has no issues as long as u dont do what i did and veg in tell there 5 feet tall. if u do decide to go with...
  7. chiselsr

    Harvesting.....after a few days i get this grassy smell

    grass smell, mine smelled like hey when i quick dried it. its all how u cure it. Mine smelled like hay, hung them up for 2-3 days and then stuck them in a mason jar. the hey smell went away and this nice sweet musky smell came forth.
  8. chiselsr

    Woluld these lights work for flowering????????

    whats the lum on thuoghs?
  9. chiselsr

    Woluld these lights work for flowering????????

    if its a red spectrum then i dont see why not. i use 4 foot fluor blue spectrum to root my clones. i cant open the link to say for sher. i didnt even know they had them. cool.
  10. chiselsr

    my room is made just need to equip it. Please help

    i would go with a short to med plant. i have a 8x 8x 9.5 with a 1000watt hooked up to a stanley blower that will move up to 2200 cfms. i sm running 1750 at the moment, if i ever get the parts for my portable ac i will be using less cfms to cool my light. the hotter it is the more air i have to...
  11. chiselsr

    Woluld these lights work for flowering????????

    heres my 400 watt HPS. i use a MH cov bulb to veg. 4 plants hydro. this pic is a few week old
  12. chiselsr

    Woluld these lights work for flowering????????

    u have Craigslist where you are at? if so u can get a used 400watt for like $125.00, I just bout a 1000 watt system that can run both MH HPS for 250.00 it would have cost me 600. to go with new. something to think about. W/R
  13. chiselsr

    slow growth? 1st grow 10 days old

    u are new, thats cool. u can retransplant it. u have never seen ur mom grandma playing with there house plants? dig it out and put it in different soil. (the soil i am going to tell u about u can not use for seedlings, once its out of seedling stage its all good). when i used soil i went with a...
  14. chiselsr

    Going on third weeks budding

    i talked to pa he said that when he was growing he had no exhaust fans just a fan blowing air around. some times it would get a 100 degress in his room. he was flowering at night with a 1000watt merc. they come from hot climates, u would think they wouldnt care. and the buds where boom. nice...
  15. chiselsr

    Going on third weeks budding

    what i dont get is why my rhino is doing fine. lookes realy good. u think it becuse i am still running cutting mix in my res. i will change the water and get a new gage.
  16. chiselsr

    Going on third weeks budding

    i put a wall clock in there with a gage on it and it says its normal. not humid or dry right in the middle. the plants have been in there for a min they should be use to the light.
  17. chiselsr

    Going on third weeks budding

    my plants in veg are getting shittyer. I started to run a humidifier in my house to get moister to my room. well i ran it for a good 6 hours and the shit in my room looks worse than before. my gage says its 33-44 low and high. it telling me its 39 high, i dont understand this. is their a high...
  18. chiselsr

    Going on third weeks budding

    it seams like all the bud i have been getting hasn't been flushed wright. I smoke it and it fucks with my stomach, and the shit dont make me hungry. dont burn to gray ash. u can hit the shit 100 time. fuck i cant wait tell i get some clean shit. I like getting the muchies, thats what pots all...
  19. chiselsr

    Going on third weeks budding

    i hope ur wright. we will see