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  1. M

    Prepping native soil

    you could just dig a hole as deep as possible but keep the dirty in the hole. Just break it up so you have a hole of nicly tilled native soil. Then you can add some powder fert and or use some liquid stuff when you water.
  2. M

    Guerilla growing videos.

    were did you order from?
  3. M

    outdoor growing

    lol im not from the uk but they do sound like some wankers.
  4. M

    outdoor growing

    no thats classified as indoor... what the hell kind of question is that.
  5. M

    One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

    mrt dont worry everything you do the first time is gonna have some mistakes and you learn from them, people dont come out the womb knowing how to grow marijuana. just learn all you can read all you can and then just do it. thats my moto
  6. M

    What Size Hole For 1.5 Cubic Feet potting soil?

    but when you can only go so much becuase you only want to use one bag... the question is what would you do go wider or go deeper. will the roots grow wider to get the nutrients.
  7. M

    One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

    i said 8 oz but im gonna say thats a pound or slightly under.
  8. M

    What Size Hole For 1.5 Cubic Feet potting soil?

    Just woundering if any one has experiance with digging a hole to fit 1.5 cubic feet of soil? Im thinking 3 feet wide by 2 feet deep. Is it better to go deep or wide?
  9. M

    Postate Cancer Cure

    i think you should research a high CBD and High THC strain and make the oil with that. If you live in a medical marijuana state this should be easier. Cuz i beleive the CBD is more benificial.
  10. M

    One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

    im gonna guess 8 oz,,,just a guess ... But man it was hard for me to see how big soem of those buds were untill now. Wow that one in your hand is nice. That alone wieghs 10+ dry.
  11. M

    Chopper fly overs?

    dont DEA have military type heli choppers?
  12. M

    Chopper fly overs?

    ive seen a military type helicopter fly exactly over 1 single crop and never touched it.
  13. M

    One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

    sorry if you answerd this I didnt read every post. But do you have any idea when your gonna be harvesting?
  14. M

    One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

    cant wait to see the yield at the end
  15. M

    One MAJOR real problem with our economy

    amarica... the world is corupt and like the bible says "mans gold will rust and consume him".. we should be on the gold standerd its true money and america is prbly more broke then anyone knows all we probaly have is guns, paper and dept. We probly dont even have much gold and fort knox is prob...
  16. M

    Trying to understand Stocks and Trading

    oh yea i do. and i probaly wont lear nit any time soon. When i actualy have money i want to invest maybe that will motivate me to learn.
  17. M

    Trying to understand Stocks and Trading

    why do you need a broker
  18. M

    Trying to understand Stocks and Trading

    Im young ive never been taught this stuff andf im trying to wrap my mind around the basics. So I got a question. Lets say theres a stock at 11.00 thats $11 right? So lets say you buy 2 of those stocks at $11 and aat some point that stock goes up to 16.00. Does that mean you make $5 on each...
  19. M

    How To Launder My Money?

    Buy gold coins that are old, i forget the term, but if there collector coins you donot have to even report them to us government.