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  1. tomahawk2406

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    150 hps soil........ some real fruity shit
  2. tomahawk2406

    First Harvest in two years..... not to shabby

    :weed::weed::weed::weed: bored and high lol
  3. tomahawk2406

    First Harvest in two years..... not to shabby

    yeah i was thinking 15 or 16. should be a really good smoke. im pumped.
  4. tomahawk2406

    First Harvest in two years..... not to shabby

    not to sure what strain this is, but the doctor that gave me the seeds said it wasn't bagseed. i smoked the bud that came from these seeds and it was killer. very big head high with a mild body stone. can't wait until its done drying and curing, it looks awsome.
  5. tomahawk2406

    3 of em, bagseed journal

    finally some bud. i have them drying right now and they look great. pretty decent harvest for a small plant. ill have to post again with a final weigh in when its all dried up. probably could have went for a little longer but ehhhhhhh what the heck. :hump::hump:
  6. tomahawk2406

    UNBELIEVABLE price on HPS Light/Ballast/Reflector

    those warehouse hps and mh are bigtime heat producers, noisy as shit too. no one remembers getting the high school gym lights buzzing when their was an assembly???? ahhhhhhhh its like it was yesterday......... lol
  7. tomahawk2406

    Lemon Skunk Smoke Report

    anyone ever scrog lemon skunk.......... im thinkinig about trying it for my first scrog grow
  8. tomahawk2406

    Taking pics w/ gps-enabled cellphone..exif data=BAD NEWS!

    well then they can find you simply from posting on this site......... bastards.
  9. tomahawk2406

    Major CT drug bust over 1,000 plants the state is loving this one. heros.................kiss-ass
  10. tomahawk2406

    Attention tiverton, ri growers!!!!!

    gotta stop throwing your root balls out the car window lol.
  11. tomahawk2406

    Autoflower lst experiment grow

    11 days after being pinned down and this is what she looks like. my other plant that i DIDN'T stress died.....figure that one.:confused::confused: anyway ive cleared somewhat of a path for the bud spots to shoot up. is coming along, and if you can't tell its doing a large L shape. im surprised...
  12. tomahawk2406

    Important Warning about CFL lights!!

    reports like this one here are so valuable to RIU. thanks for the heads up. not something for just us on the site but ill be making sure tell my parents and anyone else i know.
  13. tomahawk2406

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    what are you thinking, 2 weeks? sooner?
  14. tomahawk2406

    3 of em, bagseed journal

    anyone have any input as to time table of the final cut let me know what you think............
  15. tomahawk2406

    Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow

    IM ALL EYES GANJALUVA!!!! LOOKIN GOOOOOOOOOOD. nothing more satisfying then seeing a sea of green leaves. such a heartwarming sight lol.
  16. tomahawk2406

    3 of em, bagseed journal

    im a firm believer of not pulling off leaves until they fall off themselves or you can basically blow them off. if the plant doesn't want them on she'll kick em off.
  17. tomahawk2406

    3 of em, bagseed journal

    finally another update, its getting there. im thinking MAYBE two weeks.......maybe less. no more nutes just straight water now. as for how thinking it won't be much its a not a big plant. 12-15 grams maybe?:-? im not good with estimates. I know the bud thats on there is...
  18. tomahawk2406

    will my pc buddy bud?

    lol hahahahaha wtf. growing in a working computer. legit as fuck. problem is your plant will probably triple in that thing..........annnnnd unless your computer grows as well, your gonna have a problem.
  19. tomahawk2406

    Owning a hand gun

    yeah that shit is a joke. the holes in that law are like swiss cheese and would never stand up in court. id say buy your gun because YOU CAN, even if you grow legally. i don't think the state or feds will be kicking in your door to take your .22 semi auto marlin from your closet. kinda like...