I highly doubt they do. They would need an entire federal task force to check up on every single person on every "drug" forum. It would be near impossible, and with the shape our economy is in there is no way police agancies could justify the man hours and payroll. I hope that brings you some...
I'll deffinately take that into consideration. When I grow my crop of poppies I'll access to real O and pods so I won't have to make seed tea for a bit. LOL.
I was thinking, and it could possibly be a cal/mag def. And as far as the light schedule, light stress (irregular cycles) can turn them herm, so you want it to be as consistant as possible. I had to kill all of my babies. :( My wife was starting to get paranoid about the smell, so I'm growing...
I'd like to make it, but it is several years in the future. I have to much on my plate right now and not enough of a budget to make a film. LOL. Prolly start filming in 5 or 6 years is the plan, if all goes well up to that point.