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  1. mang

    first organic indoor harvest

    i feel like to clean and keep clean is too hard. if it's just naturally messy then any new organisms will have to compete against the established bacteria. i also think there is a very low chance of spider mites b/c my room is sealed off and i have no other plants in my house... but just in case...
  2. mang

    first organic indoor harvest

    i forgot to add that i topped the bushy one. will post better pics soon... my guess from looking at pics online is that one of the strains is a Haze cross and smells like a locker room and the other (bushy one) looks like Jock Horror and smells like cherry Certs.
  3. mang

    first organic indoor harvest

    i grew in 4 plants in 4 gallon pots with sterilised soil mixed with perlite, sphagnum, and worm castings. two separate strains (seeds some buddies gave me)... no idea what they are... i watered with fishtank water and when they started blooming i added half a cup of epsom salt to my 20L...
  4. mang

    noob nedds cloning help lol

    i had trouble with cloning in the beginning too. the more established and healthy the plant, the easier it is to clone from. i tried everything from pop cans to setting up a mini hydro tank. the only thing that works for me is clean soil, water, and a CFL. humidity should be pretty high. put...