first organic indoor harvest


i grew in 4 plants in 4 gallon pots with sterilised soil mixed with perlite, sphagnum, and worm castings. two separate strains (seeds some buddies gave me)... no idea what they are... i watered with fishtank water and when they started blooming i added half a cup of epsom salt to my 20L reservoir. i also watered with a little molasses around this time but the smell was too gross so i stopped after a week. i have one 500w HPS and one 600w MH on 12/12 after switching from 18/6. these pics are week 8 of 12/12. will probably harvest in another week as a few of the trichomes have started turning milky.



i forgot to add that i topped the bushy one. will post better pics soon... my guess from looking at pics online is that one of the strains is a Haze cross and smells like a locker room and the other (bushy one) looks like Jock Horror and smells like cherry Certs.
make sure to have a clean area it might just be that day but always make sure your plants dont get sick or get spider mites


i feel like to clean and keep clean is too hard. if it's just naturally messy then any new organisms will have to compete against the established bacteria. i also think there is a very low chance of spider mites b/c my room is sealed off and i have no other plants in my house... but just in case i have a big old bag of diatomaceous earth waiting to be put to use. i have very good filtered ventilation also. no problems so far. i also wanted to add that i don't let my soil dry out between watering. these plants love the water. i soak them everyday. i use a little less now that they are flowering to enhance the flavour (like tomatoes). maybe the drying out thing is strain dependent? i just don't see any logic in stressing out the plants beyond the constant heat and the fans. maybe the soil mix i made is keeping enough oxygen around? anyways, no complaints here.