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  1. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    hey the ol lady has had that tv since she was young lol... it's an antique lol c'mon now lol ..
  2. dusty26

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    wow... that's amazing ... good job man...
  3. dusty26

    soft white cfls ?

    gotta few... pluged em in... yep they warm white... (basically)
  4. dusty26

    Mau Creeper?! plz respond fast.

    mmm looks good nice and dence to eh ?
  5. dusty26

    sweet smell and taste.

    bubblicious is a good one .... sweet smell and tasting... or strawberry cough
  6. dusty26

    sweet smell and taste.

    no no no ... during flowering stages northern lights are real fruity and dank smelling... from my experience...
  7. dusty26

    carbon filter still smell a sweet smell in room!!

    very good suggestion... and one way to do this is to buy 4" or 6" flanges that have a tin plate with a lip to your size ducting that way your ducting fits right over the flange and you can get a clamp and put on it for added seal ... alotta ppl just cut a hole in their box and run their ducting...
  8. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    ok the cab is near completion.. All I need to do is wait for my lights, mount everything drill the holes for the 6" ducting install the timers, other powerstrip, fans, humidifier hygrometers ,,, etc etc.... in this pic ... i've got the outside totally completed as far as building... it's...
  9. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    ok ok i agee i agree... lol... I got a lil caught up geesh ... :)
  10. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    and here is the hidden room complete door on and open... real easy.. hardest part was to cut the osb perfectly to hide the cracks... Took me almost an hour to make my cuts. I put down the jigsaw and used a handsaw for more accuracy.... ive got small hinges on and you can barely see the...
  11. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    ok... here i've framed in the soon to be hidden door way that will hide all my electrical (timers, power strips, ballast and exaust ... 6" tubing)
  12. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    damn that's sweet dude... good for you.. look for one for me lol
  13. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    hahaha ... like r kelly ... n ice... hmmm... sounds like u gotta prob on your hands... get one of those lil plug in electric heaters (on sale now) and place it on a seperate timer so it runs when your lights are off ? hmm idk... as far as flowering it early ... have you ever flowered when a...
  14. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    did you die matey ? what the hell happened to u ? lol
  15. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    ya.. stay between 70 and 80 if ya can... and yes... we had a pretty good sized microwave before xmas (we got a new one for xmas) I took it apart and there was a 6" fan inside a housing that I could use to mount directly to my box... before I had 2 computer fans one for intake and one for...
  16. dusty26

    How much dope shall i grow

    ya no offence to the poster... but ya that kinda bothered me to... "dope" does not = ganja ... but i'm not made or hatein or anything... :) (not saying you are)
  17. dusty26

    dr120 grow tent

    lol ya that's what we say in the u.s. to lol... 3x3x6.5 wow that's a good space to work with bud... well you could definately go more than 2 plants... and that's perfect for a 600 watt light ... hmm... i currently have a cab i've built/building that is roughly 2'6" x 3'6" and going with a...
  18. dusty26

    Looking for a good Creeper Bud

    purepowerplant ? really ? hm..... like an indica body buzz ? this one time my buddy and I had a meeting at 3:00 and we were all nervous about our presentation ... well he had an 1/8 of this awesome looking/smelling hydro... I rolled up a fat joint (he said It was a sative up/relaxing...
  19. dusty26

    Looking for a good Creeper Bud

    dude your avatar is amazing lol... the ol lady and I laughed for almost a half hour hysterically with tears running down our eyes over it ... I will explain... when we first moved to this town from a large city (u.s.) we noticed something odd with the ppl around us... they weren't like...
  20. dusty26

    Mau Creeper?! plz respond fast.

    anyway to post a pic of a bud ?