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  1. purplekitty7772008

    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

    How is having a rfid device installed in your arm laughable? You're the only one laughing, so that must make you the retard. No one is laughing about our freedom of choice being taken away. Good luck convincing your neighbors and friends. More than half the country already disapproves of...
  2. purplekitty7772008

    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

    :clap: We can take them back if the masses get up and quit watching American Idol and tell our government to FUCK OFF.
  3. purplekitty7772008

    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

    No. Its saying to enjoy the "privilege" (< spelling) of not having health insurance, you must pay $750/ year. So bascially you're paying a fine for not having health care. There is no choice, either you pay for health insurance (one the gov't deems acceptable) or you pay a fine. NO CHOICE!!!
  4. purplekitty7772008

    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

    Well I've found it. Try to debunk it now :rolleyes:
  5. purplekitty7772008

    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

    Are you saying you support humans getting chipped like dogs?
  6. purplekitty7772008

    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

    CAN YOU SEE IT NOW? National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill], pages 1,001-1,008: (g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on...
  7. purplekitty7772008

    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

    and guess what... we all get an RFID chip to go right along with our new health care!!! WHOO! <insert sarcasm> Straight from the bill. Just like I fucking told everyone. Go look on my threads started by me. Everyone claims that they didn't want a RFID chip in their arm, but no one...
  8. purplekitty7772008

    Woman Thanks Tax Payers for Health Care.

    Damn right. Thats the whole point she was trying to get across. It is sad isn't it?
  9. purplekitty7772008

    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

    Freedom of choice was taken away from all of us. I read about the first 5 pages of the bill and didn't read anymore because I was completely disgusted. You lose your job? You'll be forced on their "approved" plan. Switch jobs? You'll be forced on their health care plan. Your coverage doesn't...
  10. purplekitty7772008

    Woman Thanks Tax Payers for Health Care.

    IT'S A PARODY!!! Sorry, but I had to yell that out. Almost 4 other people mentioned it was a parody/satirical video, and there are still people commenting on how "ignorant" this woman is. She is just making fun of the way most of Americans really think. That they will just get free money and...
  11. purplekitty7772008

    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

    Here is a list of all the representatives and congressmen/women who voted your freedoms away. Democrats Voting 'Aye' Rep. Gary Ackerman [D, NY-5] Rep. Robert Andrews [D, NJ-1] Rep. Joe Baca [D, CA-43] Rep. Brian Baird [D, WA-3] Rep. Tammy Baldwin [D, WI-2] Rep. Melissa Bean [D, IL-8] Rep...
  12. purplekitty7772008

    now that its passed

    interesting arguments... Scribed to stick around. carry on. ;-)
  13. purplekitty7772008

    Personal Medical Grow {Casey Jones and OG Kush}

    i just started my og kush. your buds are looking great Its great that I have that to look forward too.
  14. purplekitty7772008

    People who just DONT take advice... oh well

    My boyfriend has a friend like that.... So annoying!!!
  15. purplekitty7772008

    wife or ex wife problem

    ^^^^ What he said. :lol:
  16. purplekitty7772008

    Did Just Fuck Me!??

    Order from I've ordered from them about 4 times so far, everytime, it came. And I never waited for more than a week and a half.
  17. purplekitty7772008

    Got To Thinking About Veggies,

    Looking beautiful. This going on outdoor? What are the plants that are in the pictures?
  18. purplekitty7772008

    anyone else scared of this? i dont want to stop breathing

    They're trying to kill us any way possible. Oh well, just live. You'll be alright after a few days. But you'll just keep looking up more information on the evil bilderburgs. :lol:
  19. purplekitty7772008

    age old r u?

    19. I'm a teeny weeny. :eyesmoke:
  20. purplekitty7772008

    Can't Believe What I Just Saw

    WOW!!! Wasn't too long then for them asians eh?