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  1. MileHIGHclub101

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    whats the PH at. It takes a min of 3 days but 7 to see real results in what you are adding. When was the last time if ever have you flushed?
  2. MileHIGHclub101

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Dude you have to be putting Nitrogen in that baby fast man!!!!
  3. MileHIGHclub101

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Frosty brotha just got some grapefruit and eeewwweeeee this shit makes your face pucker...prolly not up to the caliber you're puttin out but overall i like the effect,but honestly i'm a taste man all the way and this shit is going on my list!!!!!! man im high not at all stoned and just waitin...
  4. MileHIGHclub101

    best soil

    It depends on what you have at your disposal. I have stuff here that they putt through a process that is more complex than microbrewing beer...stuffs amazing(Solid Gold). But if you dont have these you can make a good mixture and then that would matter on how much you need to make for how many...
  5. MileHIGHclub101

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    aww shit i found a 400 setup for 70 bucks on the list so i had to go check it out(the ballast alone is worth the look) and needless to say it was a good setup with horilux bulb and all...I couldnt pass it up...problem now i have to figure out a whole new cooling and exhaust that old...
  6. MileHIGHclub101

    Lemon Skunk

    hey lemon skunk on day 28 from germ on my lemon skunk and right now...cant wait for the lemon
  7. MileHIGHclub101

    Aurora Indica first time Grow!

    where are some pics dude youve got to be on a month flowering now
  8. MileHIGHclub101

    How often do i water

    I want what your smoking...if that truly were the case id just get a blow dryer..hahaha how the fuck do you get a plant into a bar and or other restroom hahah the more i think about it the more it makes me laugh..good one
  9. MileHIGHclub101

    I could use some help with my cab! (9 PIX)

    you need to mount the fan pulling cool air acroos the cool tube get a venting duct that you cant have pulling in fresh outside the box cool air and leave it venting out of the box...if the box is in an inclosed room try and get it up and only telling you this after setting up the same...
  10. MileHIGHclub101

    Fox farms...but which ones?

    there are some home remedies you can use but sometimes you can do a little too much and is hard in terms of being able to use a measurable amount...I recomend a PH Up solution it is usually like seven bucks and it tells you things like a teaspoon will raise the ph .5 for every teaspoon per...
  11. MileHIGHclub101

    2.5 X 5 X 7.5H Space - 1000 Watts Baby!! Many Pics

    i Got family in temecula, but hey can't get much HIGHER than the mile high city!!!!
  12. MileHIGHclub101

    Fox farms...but which ones?

    Im a loyal ff all product line user and i have to's all in the strain...different strain want different amounts and can withstand different amounts of nutes....i'm finding now that if you have a sativa dominate strain you want to REALLY reduce the amount of feeding that fox farm...
  13. MileHIGHclub101

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    If you go to the greenhouse web site they have grow pics and videos of the church grow.
  14. MileHIGHclub101

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    good lookin buds, I especially like the hightimes hangin out in the back, as if the be teaching the plant you wanna look like this, LOOK LIKE THIS!!!
  15. MileHIGHclub101

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Shit yeah the grapefruit...How long does that take? i know it took you a while and hasn't it been curing a while as well? It would be assumed that patients would produce a better tasting more potent product for your long wait...I just hope some day i will be able to grow with that mentality and...
  16. MileHIGHclub101

    Favorite song game.

    Just put on In Rainbows by Radiohead
  17. MileHIGHclub101

    The Best Movie To Watch While Getting High?

    FUCK YEAH! my cousin and i got high and called getting high watching shawshank whenever we needed code.
  18. MileHIGHclub101

    The Best Movie To Watch While Getting High?

    I like this list Grandmas boy needs to be a little higher but to add...HALF BAKED. All seasons of Robot Chicken, Kenny Vs Spenny (too bad there's only one season) Point Break (I don't know just never get old)
  19. MileHIGHclub101

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Hey thanks Frosty... No kidding man i built another box and have two super skunks two lemon skunks...and last but not least 2 super lemon haze...i was hoping to get the skunks into the flower box by the end of the week... that way ill be leaving a few days for curing for 420 harvest...its gonna...
  20. MileHIGHclub101

    2.5 X 5 X 7.5H Space - 1000 Watts Baby!! Many Pics

    Thats awesome jay i have a strange feeling that those thai skunk are going to be monsters...Did you get your card in colorado...i just got mine and have been looking at getting a clone or two of something nice i do enjoy a good sweet tooth and from what ive seen it grows pretty well here.