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  1. Greyskull

    DRYING question

    are the buds snapping off the branch? thats when i know they are dry... just bending the branch isn't relevant. sounds really dry... did you have a fan blowing right on them?
  2. Greyskull

    I don't know why I did this

    you didnlt do a very smart thing. taking off too much at one time can stunt the plant for a few days. next time, take off those leave over the course of 4-5 days.
  3. Greyskull ?

    you are not alone with those feelings. make sure you use a safe address where no growing is done.... you know the game. stay safe!
  4. Greyskull

    RO V's carbon filtered

    funny you mention the raise of PPM I cannot believe I forgot to add that shit! it did add about 10ppms, yes, but it smells way better. tastes better, too. when I first hooked it up I called my mentor and said "dude my ppms raised WTF?" he said not worry about it the water is "cleaner" since...
  5. Greyskull ?

    i really think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the results of the flowers you grow. I am stayig tuned man.. let me know how your experience goes... aloha
  6. Greyskull

    RO V's carbon filtered

    r/o is the best place to start clean pallat to build your nute regiment on. i dont; have an r/o system though... i hook up an ice maker filter (the kind that you hook up to your refridgerator to filter the tap water that becomes ice & drinking water) to my garden hose and fill up my reserviors...
  7. Greyskull

    1200 watt bubba kush

    how much nutes (what ppms) are you running? i don't mess with the GH 3 part (to chemmy for my abilities). no such thing as too much CO2.... maybe your PH was a little off... i just don't know those nutes man i really cannot say... sorry boss
  8. Greyskull ?

    nice testimony fdd i actually got a LV Purple Kush, Garberville Purple Kush, and Lavender from Craigslist 9mos ago.... when you have your recommendation and keeping the count within state guidelines no issues.
  9. Greyskull ?

    true. but you cannot change a turd from being a turd no matter how nice and shiny it is. if you start w inferior genes, no matter how well you grow them, the end result is inferior genes grown really well. better genes is the easiest improvement one can make to their garden.
  10. Greyskull ?

    $125 for 3 proven clones shipped is way better than $125 in dutch beans shipped. but thats the way I do the math.....
  11. Greyskull

    IS it cool to harvest with amber 60% milky and 40% amber

    :clap: water curing is for :dunce:
  12. Greyskull ?

    well i KNOW more than I care to divulge much further. for my saftey and freedom, and others'....who I consider family. : ) I will just say from expereince APE is a stand up guy and is trustworthy..... the people he speaks about are just as quality. my pre98 bubba & ATW came from the hands of...
  13. Greyskull ?

    dude get rid of that clown. can you fathom how hard it is to set up a website to sell clones across the county? obviously you cannot think outside of the barriers of your head. someone is working really really hard to provide those w/out access to the TRUE KILLERS (that trainwreck is the...
  14. Greyskull

    IS it cool to harvest with amber 60% milky and 40% amber

    water curing is HORRIBLE!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS???? it takes away the wonderful aromas it takes away the flavors.... water curing is something you do when you have PM and don't have enough to make hash... ime it ruins the hard work you put into growing the killakilla. water curing... lol
  15. Greyskull

    Pull up a seat, there's room for everyone

    lets see what this stadium roars fdd!!! good luck man
  16. Greyskull

    Can you have a MJ plant thats 20 years old... thats right people...20 YEARS OLD!!!!

    its a very nice plant. i feel very fortunate i was able to procure her from an old friend of mine.
  17. Greyskull

    Help I think Spider Mites are here

    i only say a little gung ho because those foggers are for up to 1000sq ft of space.... if you are cool releasing a fogger for 3-4 hrs in your roomthen by all means do it you will kill all the adult mites. then in 3-4 days their larvae will hatch.... so you'll need to drop another fogger...
  18. Greyskull

    Cfl's in a trashcan

    check this for reference:
  19. Greyskull

    1200 watt bubba kush

    my pre 98 colors up as she flushes..... i would suggest vegging until 18-20", making sure to top at the 4th internode to encourage bushiness... day 7 of flower do some undergrowth pruning and do it again at day 14 so the bottom 1/3 is clean. that will encourage beefier tops. Bubba is a great...