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  1. Greyskull

    Functioning in a non stoned world.. stoned or high.. how many times a day?

    ^^^ Thats wtf I am talking about!!!^^^ cheers
  2. Greyskull

    Prices per pound?

    thanks man I'll keep an eye out.
  3. Greyskull

    CFL vs HPS penetration

    I hear you man.... good luck on the job.
  4. Greyskull

    Prices per pound?

    What does $900/LB middies in SC look like?
  5. Greyskull

    Functioning in a non stoned world.. stoned or high.. how many times a day?

    professional cropper.... not the biggest OP (simple 2k) but enough to pay the bills and I don't ahve to punch a clock or do any fucking TPS reports... I smoke all day long! bongsmilie Its the only way to go ha ha ha
  6. Greyskull

    CFL vs HPS penetration

    $150 bucks.... ballast built into the reflector. Available in MH or HPS. 150w HID. have them set it up for you so you can test the heat with your own hands... then have them set up the 250 & 400, so you can test those too.... MAKE THE SHOP DUDES...
  7. Greyskull

    Prices per pound?

    For top shelf, grown to the maximum genetic potential buds: compassionate local so cal pricing graperomulan - 4400lb chemd - 4600lb pre98bubbakush - 4800 non compassionate so cal pricing graperomulan - 4600lb chemd - 4800lb pre98bubbakush - 5200
  8. Greyskull

    CFL vs HPS penetration

    heat from 150w, even HPS, is gonna be minute. If you are concerned about exhausting/cooling the light, hook up a cheap little 4" computer fan to blow air on the bulb since your cab is tight on space. I say this becasue I have 400mh 12" over my vegging plants and I don't even run the exhaust fan...
  9. Greyskull

    CFL vs HPS penetration

    if you want to run cfls as your means of providing for yourself bravo! check out thunderkul & drudgreengene's threads on ic.... they are a little typical of low wattage growers in their attitudes towards cash croppers who call them out on their ridiculous GPW claims, but they are providing for...
  10. Greyskull

    CFL vs HPS penetration

    I like to look at lights/wattage/results like I look at guitar amplifiers and bands. CFLs are little 1x10 combos, and 1000hps are big bad Marshall stacks. A group like The Fray uses 1x10s... they make cute little songs. TOOL uses the Marshall stacks....TOOL eats The Fray for breakfast and...
  11. Greyskull

    If satan was a nugget would you smoke him?

    i'd want hash oil from satan buds
  12. Greyskull

    Best place to drop acid?

  13. Greyskull

    Best strain for SOG?

    do you have access to clones or are you going to be growing from seed? what kind of light are you gonna use?
  14. Greyskull

    WHats the best way to dry clippings off the buds?

    then pretty much what Mcgician stated should be totally fine.... I don;t even dry my trim I just throw it in the frezer and wait for hash making day
  15. Greyskull

    Greyskull's Trimbox Technique

    it took the one man show about 6 hours of constant clipping to take down an LB (454g) while using my friend the Trimbox I can really be done in 2.5-3 hours. Of course there is the extra 90min of "clean up" after the buds are dry.... but its still less time overall than sitting with a pair of...
  16. Greyskull

    Lets talk AeroCloners

    the groclone works just as well... its just a different angle/method of acomplishing the same thing - roots. the cool thing about the groclone is it is small. Its footprint is basically 10"x20"... so its like a flat. Fits perfect under 2ft floros some folks are aerocloners some folks are...
  17. Greyskull

    how long should my flush be?

    when you are trying to fush your plants and you are in containers (not my specialty), you should aim for 25-50% runoff each time you water the plant. "Why so much run off," you say? You want to make sure you get out all the nutrients stored in the soil/container so that the plant can use up all...
  18. Greyskull

    Watch this 5' tall girl take a shower..(PIC)

    FALSE ADVERTISING... though I must say I am glad its not a pic of Chyna getting her scrub on....
  19. Greyskull

    can you flush in the last weeks with molasses

    you can.... i used to flush the last 7 days with nothing but water and Botanicare Sweet (@50ml/G... jeez!) but have since found it both easier & better tasting to just use plain water the last week. you should try adding the mollasses during veg and watch the plants convert that sugar & carbs...
  20. Greyskull

    Hps or fluros??????

    jimmycocpuffs - sounds to me like a nutrient issue... or lack of nutrients being supplied to the plant/s - is what i was saying. beastinit702 i have seen some great grows done in the dwc buckets... make sure you keep your roots good and healthy (hydroguard part of your nutrient regiment?) and...