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  1. herbose

    Please Delete My Account Please Delete

    Sarcasm is not the last refuge of the weak. It's the last refuge of a frustrated teacher tired of :wall::wall::wall:.
  2. herbose

    how much butter for 80 grams of shake?

    I was going to say three, I use six with 150 gm, but that's shake and trim. I wind up with 1 lb finished.
  3. herbose

    Quick question + rep

    So what's going to happen? Electrical work at your place?
  4. herbose

    Quick question + rep

    Absolutely nothing to worry about unless you do it on a regular basis.
  5. herbose

    Delete My Account ASAP

    I think DR G is pulling cc's leg. RIU is like the Mafia, once you're in you're in for life.
  6. herbose

    Anything else?

    No, it doesn't say anything about MH or HPS on the bill.
  7. herbose

    pinching fan leaves

    Lots and lots of people don't understand botany. They should all read this thread by a guy who knows what he's talking about. What was his name again? I send this out at least once a day.
  8. herbose

    Police Dogs In Search

    Not likely I think, because then they will find nothing to arrest you for. Unless maybe you have some assault rifles in the car.
  9. herbose

    T-shirt Poll Time To Get Started

    I like this idea. Love to get something like before the SF Cannabis cup.
  10. herbose

    Police Dogs In Search

    The police cannot search the inside of your car but they can walk around it and look inside. If they see something suspicious they then have probable cause to search inside without your permission. The dog walks around the outside and sits down if it smells drugs, bingo, probable cause. At least...
  11. herbose

    growing here in N.C sucks!

    Damn, I feel for you guys. Here in Cali I just throw some seeds out the window in April. I forget all about them til October when I go out there with my chainsaw and start cutting. I forklift them babies onto my 18 wheel flatbed and haul them off to my 10,00 square foot warehouse for drying...
  12. herbose

    Unbelievable harvest from 2 bag seed plants

    +rep for the buds. Now how about a picture of your '94 blown cobra?
  13. herbose

    Who is Charles.Schultz?

    I can't imagine a cop would do that, blending in is their game. Look at all the attention this guy got in a short time. Maybe a psychology student doing research on "The effects of marijuana on levels of paranoia".:twisted:
  14. herbose

    California cultivator for Dispensary/Patient

    Hell, you can get whatever you want, just walk right in, plunk your goodies on the table and demand whatever you want. They'll pay you cash right on the spot..........................NOT! You're lucky if you get your foot in the door right now. Sorry, but that's the way it is.
  15. herbose

    Okay freaking out... I need some closure

    What do you mean "the one one top"? Your pictures are side by side. The one on the right has the seed shell stuck on it, pop that off. In other have a serious stretching problem, they will fall over soon. Repot with soil right up to the top. Then move your light (cfl?) closer, a...
  16. herbose

    Who is Charles.Schultz?

    Yes, go to the friends section and uncheck the box in their avatar.
  17. herbose

    Anything else?

    Scales in upper right hand corner of every post. I suggest you try it at least twice right now so you get the feel of it LOL. Do you have a TDS meeter? If not you'll need one.
  18. herbose

    i found a ladybug in my garden

    It's a good thing, leave it alone.
  19. herbose

    Is this okay to harvest?

    They have a way to go, at least a couple weeks....but if you gotta chop you gotta chop. At least it gets you high.
  20. herbose

    Can you chop the top and let the bottoms mature

    Yep, I do it all the time.