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  1. dopewear

    My pc stealth setup~please criticize~

    jezus looks great dude ill definetly be following this journal
  2. dopewear

    My first grow. Rubbermaids CFL

    im with green on that. how many roots do you see the first 1/2 to 1 inch probly not many so you dont judge on what you see at the top, like mine first inch is quite dry but i stick my moisture meter to the bottom where the roots are and what do you know... your pretty darn well off.
  3. dopewear

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    jeez lunch you like live in here lol constantly online, so what pc case you going to use?
  4. dopewear

    cfl qustion need help quick ????????

    you have been confirmed
  5. dopewear

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    lunch i saw your post about you worrying about sodering your fan wires... what were you going to use a 12v adapter or a cell phone charger? all i did for mine what strip about half inch on the ends twist the positives and negs together taped them each up seperately then taped the whole thing...
  6. dopewear

    cfl qustion need help quick ????????

    6500k for veg and 2700k for flower. hope thats what youve been doing... if not try it youll see results
  7. dopewear

    cfl qustion need help quick ????????

    yah dude that should be no problem 6500k all the way.
  8. dopewear

    fire is not a choke

    using drywall with with a high fire rating would be a great idea either in your grow room or lining what your growing in.
  9. dopewear

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    armoire would be great but definetly not enough room a small dresser would do the trick just fine.
  10. dopewear

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    thats lunch but im a trades person i live to build so i want design challenge. ill post an update tonight you guys hopefully things will pick up the next few days im not going to do anything no water no nothing just watch it. i got a moisture meter so itll tell me if its been over watered.
  11. dopewear

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    rubbermaid or dresser
  12. dopewear

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    thanks bud well if these fail itll give me a reason to build my new grow box and start my purple pineberry seeds
  13. dopewear

    F*ck my life... Need your help...

    thanks samp for all your help! does anyone else have a say on this?
  14. dopewear

    F*ck my life... Need your help...

    Im using 1/3 all purpose potting soil, 1/3 peat, and 1/3 perlite all from C.I.L.. They did pic up abit after 4 days and i just waterd them yesterday with their first dose of nutes so maybe i should leave it for 5-6 days no water and see what happens... whats your opinion on all the...
  15. dopewear

    F*ck my life... Need your help...

    Day 26 - 18/Apr/09 - Plants Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL Light Cycle: 18/6 Temp: 74.8 F Humidity: 42% Enclosure: PC Case Nutes: 12-4-8 at quarter stength, first introduced yesterday Method: LST Pic 1-2: these pics are my first plant which seems really droopy i know youll say over water but i left...
  16. dopewear

    PC grow case

    hey btk you planning in a closet or something or inside a wardrobe, dresser, something like that? im thinkinf of upping to a dresser because my pc grow is about to fail sadly. keep us posted
  17. dopewear

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    hey v if you dont recall a little while back i topped up my soil by tiping the soil out and filling up the bottom and when i did that there was a serious root system. also they how i decided to plant those peat pots, by looking at them and seeing if roots were coming through and sure enough...
  18. dopewear

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    im not long think positive about my grow neph sad to say
  19. dopewear

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    Day 26 - 18/Apr/09 - Plants Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL Light Cycle: 18/6 Temp: 78.6 F Pics 1-5: plant one looking like shit of course, drooping and discoloration in the leaves. new growth still coming out the top though. you can see how i tied it down more. side grow at the base of fan leaves...
  20. dopewear


    so 40 is just fine?