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  1. nanookofeclectic

    Calling all newbs.... caling all newbs

    Dude! I'm not joking man! If the smell you are smelling smells a bit like a smelly smell that could possibly resemble a small, french, horny, woodland creature that is a dead giveaway of the highly toxic and rampant polyfunkonormousdankified MOOOOOLD!!!! GET OUT BEFORE YOU START FEELING THE...
  2. nanookofeclectic

    Parents see plant as pot please help!!!!!

    Yah. It blows. I had to murder one of my one-monthers yesterday. Imagine if it got big and started flowering then your parents threw you out? THAT would suck more.
  3. nanookofeclectic

    Parents see plant as pot please help!!!!!

    I did, and unless your parents are fucking retarded you're gonna be out on your ass in no time. In about 2 weeks your room is gonna start smelling like a skunk fart. What then?
  4. nanookofeclectic I dare you to... I dare you to watch this. LMAO!!!
  5. nanookofeclectic

    Parents see plant as pot please help!!!!!

    That's a very good idea. You should do that. How old are you anyway?
  6. nanookofeclectic

    Parents found plant pleas help

    Graduate highschool, then move out. You shouldn't be growing dope anyway. That's illegal.
  7. nanookofeclectic

    Parents see plant as pot please help!!!!!

    Really dude? You have to grow before you can grow.
  8. nanookofeclectic

    How much will 2 plants SMELL?

    It's possible. It has a tendency to seep through cracks. LOL. You're bette roff than most that grow indoors though.
  9. nanookofeclectic

    How much will 2 plants SMELL?

    That could be from any number of things. It could be a less smelly strain, or the bud could have been cured wrong. Who knows. LOL. You'll know in a few weeks if it's gonna smell though. :)
  10. nanookofeclectic

    First grow. Curious if they're doing good.

    They range from short and fat to tall and..... broken. LOL. Accidental supercrop maybe? Pic 1&2 same plant, 3&4 same plant. I'm down to 5 babies now. I had to kill one because she was weak and scrawny. And getting in the way of the other ones. :(
  11. nanookofeclectic

    Calling all newbs.... caling all newbs

    My pleasure brother. After all, what are stoners for? Laughing with. :)
  12. nanookofeclectic

    Calling all newbs.... caling all newbs

    Every time I see someone type that It makes me think of the sound a turkey makes. I'm starting to think I smoked to much..... mold. :D
  13. nanookofeclectic

    Calling all newbs.... caling all newbs

    I am a qualified mold technician and disposal agent. What you have on your hands is a very serious form of highly toxic, carcinogenic mold. You need to ge that out of your house ASAP! I recommend either taking it to your local police station for proper disposal or send it to me and I'll deal...
  14. nanookofeclectic

    Oh man. Not without spending more money. LOL. Damn.... Lemme think. *says in pooh bear voice...

    Oh man. Not without spending more money. LOL. Damn.... Lemme think. *says in pooh bear voice "Think, Think, Think!"* I know coffee grinds are very high in Nitrogen. Also a nute with a high N value would help. I always say flush first though, because if it's nute burn from over feeding then...
  15. nanookofeclectic

    LOL. If you subscribe to the thread it makes it easier to find. There is a button in the blue...

    LOL. If you subscribe to the thread it makes it easier to find. There is a button in the blue bar above the thread called "thread tools" click on it and "subscribe" should be the bottom option. I feed mine MG too. :) Aint nothing wrong with it.
  16. nanookofeclectic

    LOL. It's amazing the shit people can come up with when they're blitzed out of their gourd.

    LOL. It's amazing the shit people can come up with when they're blitzed out of their gourd.
  17. nanookofeclectic

    Welcome New Members!

    Wow. That is a lot of questions. LOL. Run some of them through the search bar at the top of the page. Also check this site out. It will help you out a lot.
  18. nanookofeclectic

    Would You Watch This Movie?

    Very nice. I think everybody dipped out. LOL.
  19. nanookofeclectic

    Something could be eating it.... I really don't know. :( Your best bet would be to post a thread...

    Something could be eating it.... I really don't know. :( Your best bet would be to post a thread in the plant problems section (Ithink that's what it's called). And yes, I meant nutrients. LOL.