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  1. spiked1

    horrid leaf spot!

    Looks like spidermites. Have you checked under all the leaves?
  2. spiked1

    Death is at hand HELP *LOTS O PICS*

    Have tried smoking it? A similar thing just happened to me with a Durban poison x Skunk no.1. It was covered in thousands of lovely white hairs with 3 or 4 weeks left and I gave it some Canna PK13/14 which was OK, but I decided on a whim to foliar feed with the PK and the next day it looked dead...
  3. spiked1

    New pics! Please judge

    They are too close together which will be a problem when they get bigger. I would move them further apart before the roots grow too much and get tangled with each other.
  4. spiked1

    Tincture, what is it really?

    A Tincture is when you use a medium such as alcahol to soak herbs in to extract the active ingredient. I've read somewhere about using Glycerine to extract THC and then placing a few drops under your tongue. There is a good blood supply under your tongue and substances are absorbed into the...
  5. spiked1

    More problems PICS!

    My thoughts as well.
  6. spiked1

    short veg.?

    Yes but Envirolights are bigger, up to 250W.
  7. spiked1

    what is this

    Yes I noticed that your pic is from GROWFAQ showing a FEMALE flowering. Looks like you tricked almost everyone dude.
  8. spiked1

    Molasses feedin flushin?

    Yes Mate, It's BlackStrap which is the one you want.
  9. spiked1

    Yellow new growth normal?

    Why change the lighting times, L2's should stay at 18/6 for best results.
  10. spiked1

    wow, looks awesome, deff not good *PICS*

    Hard to tell from your pic, but I'd say minor light burn. I have some leaves that look very similar. It doesn't look too bad but just adjust your lights and see how it goes.
  11. spiked1

    Nitrogen deficiency?

    It's normal so don't worry. You can give it some nutes with Nitrogen if you want. Superthrive won't fix it and It'sgenerally not reccommended to use superthrive during flowering.
  12. spiked1

    weird leaves not opening?

    Can you try and gently seperate them with a magnifier and sharp knife. I've done this before when some feminised seeds did that and it worked for me.
  13. spiked1

    is any thing going wrong

    They look good to me, as far as I can tell from the photos anyway. What makes you think something is wrong.
  14. spiked1

    Yellow and curling leaves..deficiency of..?

    My thoughts as well.
  15. spiked1

    1st Time Grow in BIN - yellowing?

    I have seen this happen from spraying with the lights on. Water droplets can magnify under the lights and burn the leaves.
  16. spiked1

    LowRyder2 HELP HELP

    I live in Aus. so can't help you with the products available where you live. But 70% Organic Miracle grow and 30% Perlite sounds like a good start. Start with 1/4 strength nutes at 3 or 4 weeks.
  17. spiked1

    My plant is dying.... *Pics* What did I do wrong?

    Leave them alone for now and let the plant do it's stuff. You can also spray with superthrive, 1 drop to 1 cup of water. But I think you have now done all you needed to do with repotting, water and superthrive, just give it a little time for recovery.
  18. spiked1

    Yet another plant problem.

    Nope, should be fine, just keep an eye on it so it doesn't happen again. I went through several timers on 1 grow with the same problem as you but nothing bad happened and no hermie either.
  19. spiked1

    Dammitt!!! I Dropped My Seedlings!!!

    I dropped 8 seedlings once when visitors arrived and I quickly tried to hide them but accidentaly dropped them on the floor. Result was a pile of soil with 3 day old seedlings mixed in. It was almost a full day later before I could see to them. I put all the soil back into the small cups and...
  20. spiked1

    LowRyder2 HELP HELP

    I recently finished a Lowrider2 grow with 20 seeds, 11 female and 9 males. I used 40% good quality potting mix, 30% perlite, 25% worm castings and 5% composted manure. This mix will see them right through the veg stage of approx. 3 weeks. and well into the flowering stage of 6 weeks. Lowrider...