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  1. bamfrivet

    Need Clarification

    I think he's talking about for breeding purposes. the trifollate is an unstable mutation, so it's not an idea plant to use for breeding purposes. As far as at home growers, growing a few plants indoor, I would keep it and top the hell out of it.
  2. bamfrivet

    Same strain different flower times?

    no, that's my mastiff the day I brought him home. He was only 6-8lbs, now he's 186lbs lol.
  3. bamfrivet

    first time for me

    about 2 weeks after you switch the lights to 12/12
  4. bamfrivet

    backwoods suck for rolling blunts

    backwoods are delicious.
  5. bamfrivet

    So how would MacGyver do it?

    I think MacGyver would mix some house hold chemicals, then flash freeze it by combining his microwave with his freezer. When it's all said and done, instant weed machine.
  6. bamfrivet

    Really Annoying 60 Second Delay

    then I would agree, that 20 seconds or less between PM's is a good idea. I thought you were just talking about in a thread lol.
  7. bamfrivet

    Re-Vegging Flowering Clone?

    Yep, you can reveg a plant at any time. The longer it's been in flower, the longer it'll take to reveg.
  8. bamfrivet

    Same strain different flower times?

    I have 2 snowcap x grapefruit from seed, one is smaller than the other and it drinks up almost twice as much water and nutes as the bigger one. Each one's gonna be a little different when growing from seed.
  9. bamfrivet

    flower stage help?

    switch away! I find that the sudden 24/0 to 12/12 light switch helps them show sex faster. I have no scientific data to back this up, just my own experience.
  10. bamfrivet

    Really Annoying 60 Second Delay

    you could always take the conversation to PM's
  11. bamfrivet

    I CAN'T BELEIVE MY EYES! MYSTERY"seedling popped up from near the roots of Goo plant

    were the roots from the new plant growing out of the roots from the mother plant?
  12. bamfrivet

    Mold in home! Anyone everyone please!

    I would move while taking him to court. My cousin had something like this happen with black mold. They moved him to another unit, only find out there was black mold already in that one. He since moved out and is suing them for endangering his children and himself.
  13. bamfrivet

    Soil Question

    any general all purpose fertilizer will work.
  14. bamfrivet

    how to collect pollen?

    There are lots of ways to collect pollen. You could just put some news paper down, hold the plant over it sideways and shake the plant a little. If it's in an area where you have females then you want to remove the plant from the room before collecting pollen. You'll also want to change your...
  15. bamfrivet

    forcing pre-flowers, how is it done?

    like wetdog said, you can't force it to show it's preflowers. it shows them when it wants to. I usually watch for alternating nodes before I start to clone. I usually take one or two and throw them straight into my pc grow box. I just use it to check sexes. then you can either throw them away or...
  16. bamfrivet

    does anyone know how i can be a caregiver in RI?

    sounds good, we need more people out there actually helping people instead of trying to make a profit off of others suffering
  17. bamfrivet

    help! will my plant still grow

    The only reason to have the light on before the plants pop the soil is for heat. If the area you have them is warm enough or you have a warming tray then you don't need any light until it comes out of the soil.
  18. bamfrivet

    help! will my plant still grow

    give it some time. As long as you didn't expose it to light for to long or touch it to much, it should be good.
  19. bamfrivet

    Best height to flower clones

    I veg until the plants are about half the size I want them to be when they are done. Plants double (sometimes triple or quadruple) in size when you switch them to 12/12.
  20. bamfrivet

    does anyone know how i can be a caregiver in RI?

    becoming a caregiver isn't difficult. If you have your doctors rec, then you just have others with doctors rec's sign over caregiver slips to you. However, just providing medicine doesn't really qualify you as a caregiver (at least not in cali). If you get caught you have to prove that you help...