Need Clarification


In Jorge Cervantes book he states that a seedlings that has germinated and is a trifollate with 3 sets of leaves are genetically unstable. He further states that these plants should be " culled " from the herd. I happen to have one of these plants which is from a feminized seed ( per the seed bank ) and don't fully understand why I should yanck it. I only have 2 plants and need the practice. It growing like a weed! Will the potency be any less if and when this plant matures or could it possibly be a hermaphrodite ? Please clarify for a newbie like myself.


Active Member
Yea don't pull it thats if you got a bunch and are going through picking the strongest. Even if it does give you big balls throughout the grow like you said it'd be good practice but I know I've had seedlings look retarded that turned out just fine. Most femenized seeds come from hermie mothers that's how they get their fem seeds (theirs another way with some silver spray that some breeders use instead of forcing the mother to hermie) So yes their is always a possibility of hermie Infact my last grow my plants all went hermie the last week of flower. So i didn't mind that much got killer nugs and a few fem seeds to go with it.


Well-Known Member
I think he's talking about for breeding purposes. the trifollate is an unstable mutation, so it's not an idea plant to use for breeding purposes. As far as at home growers, growing a few plants indoor, I would keep it and top the hell out of it.