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  1. M

    3 Word Story

    bad bad stickyfingers!
  2. M

    3 Word Story

    up yours stickyfingers :)
  3. M

    how woz da harvest?

    how woz da harvest?
  4. M

    3 Word Story

    stickyfingers and hazeygrapes
  5. M

    >>>Running with Guns: Pineapple Chunk : 1 Plant : Soil : Stealth Cabinet CFL Grow!<<<

    ps. my fan fell on one of my babies the other night - but I had just covered her in scrog screen the night before (phew) - or she wud've been seriously crushed!.....
  6. M

    >>>Running with Guns: Pineapple Chunk : 1 Plant : Soil : Stealth Cabinet CFL Grow!<<<

    ........... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... poor Babe! :( but yeah like Fouf says let her be... let her be... this her time to be Super Woman, pull through, and Make You Proud!!!!!!! :)
  7. M

    >>>Running with Guns: Pineapple Chunk : 1 Plant : Soil : Stealth Cabinet CFL Grow!<<<

    ......... awwwwwwwwww......... wotta babe u have there... even I fancy her! meeeooowwww! lol :)
  8. M

    3 Word Story

    Margaret thatchers face
  9. M

    3 Word Story

    or a Henry....
  10. M

    Veg time 24/0 vs 18/6?

    from " Light and Dark Plant leaves capture light energy and turn it into the sugars that power their growth. This process is called photosynthesis. Up to a point the more light available to a plant the more it can grow. Darkness is also important for plants however. During dark...
  11. M

    ... just reading your 12/12 thread... am excited to give this a whirl... I'd never heard of...

    ... just reading your 12/12 thread... am excited to give this a whirl... I'd never heard of 12/12 from seed... but now that I have... it seems to be calling me! :) Cheers MissPhoebe
  12. M

    Veg time 24/0 vs 18/6?

    ... I have tested 24/7 and in my experience plants like 18/6 much much better... they grow bigger - faster - stronger and they GROW IN THE DARK! All Ladies Need Their Beauty Sleep!!!!!
  13. M

    Two Tone Leaves

    ... that actually looks pretty cool... I love TwoTone!..... :)
  14. M

    3 Word Story

    take my card
  15. M

    3 Word Story

    ooops vomited on.......
  16. M

    Dopest dope you've ever smoked

    .... mmmmmmmmm Jack Herer grown organic outdoors in south spain....... wow....... the smell....... the taste .... it was incredibly unbelievably delicious.... yummmmmmm (an I have lived in Amsterdam - the Jack there was nothing compared to this outdoor spanish grow!) :)
  17. M

    Mineralz' Grow Cranny -- Ever-evolving DWC

    don't ganja plants also change to that color with change of temps???????
  18. M

    How tall will they get

    ..... my 1st grow defo doubled!....... :)
  19. M

    Mineralz' Grow Cranny -- Ever-evolving DWC

    wow Blue Widow looks amazingggggggggggggggg....... it is going on MY DEAR SEEDSANTA LIST!