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  1. D

    1 problem, 3 questions. +rep for help

    Thanks, but I'm already a week behind, I should have flowered last Fri. And if I wait much longer I may not have the head room for my girls by the time I get them to harvest. A hot water dip or a petroleum based product are my best bets right now. But I need some answers to decide which is the...
  2. D

    HELP identifying pest pls +pic

    It's sounding like you have more than 1 infestation. Thrips are long & slender, mites are more roundish. The worm looking thing you described sounds like a Thrip, and they leave white dots on the leaves when they feed. White Mites would look more like a white spec of dust to the human eye...
  3. D

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Where do you think the dispensories get their MMJ from? And where do you think they'd get it from if not from local growers? You don't really want them to start getting it from the Mexican drug lords, do you? And how much resistance do you think we'd get if they were getting it from Mexico?
  4. D

    1 problem, 3 questions. +rep for help

    I have White Mites, I beleive they're Broad Mites after catching 1 & putting it under a microscope. I have 4,000 Lady Bugs in the room who keep their numbers down, and I treated twice. The first time last Fri with Mite X, then again last Wed with a Neem concentrate. I was hoping that would be...
  5. D

    What should i look for in soil and fertilizer

    My bad, I just assumed you wanted to put them in the ground. If you're using pots I'd suggest Fox Farm Ocean Forrest. I know you said not to name brands, but this you can order off the net. It may also be available at your local garden center/nursery. It's pretty popular with all growers...
  6. D

    *Pictures*Plant disease or deficiency?*

    Pictures 3 & 4 look like a MG Deficiency. Check this site and click on MG deficiencies and you'll see some pics that look very similar Everyone should have this site book marked. It helped me out several times already and I'm only half way through my first...
  7. D

    Brown / Rust spots all over lower fan leaves

    Looks like either a calcium or mag deficiency, check this site for examples and you'll see problems that look just like yours Everyone should have this site book marked, it helped me out many a time when I couldn't find help here, and I'm only half way...
  8. D

    10 and 12 fingered Leaves... Does it mean anything?

    It's an indication of good genetics. Should be a strong & hardy plant. It's also a sign that she's happy of course. Piss her off and you'll know by the nuber of fingers on the leaf. debs977, you should never pinch a leaf unless it's more than 50% dead. Leaves provide photosynthesis, the more...
  9. D

    Will A/C Unit provide exhuast?

    The best way to keep your room cool is to get a cool tube and vent it. If you can't afford one, you can make one of your own pretty cheaply If you build one and vent it, then you wont need a fan for your intake...
  10. D

    flowering help

    You can start flowering as soon as they're rooted well. A lot of people on here do that, but I wouldn't. In my opinion that over ripens the Tricombes and changes the medicine's effects. You're plants will double to triple in size when you flower, so it depends mostly on how much ceiling space...
  11. D

    What should i look for in soil and fertilizer

    Well, I'm a new indoor grower myself, but I'm kind of an advanced newbie. I use Fox Farm for my indoor grow, but buying a soil to use for outdoor grows could get expensive. For a good soil you're looking at about $10 a bag of 12 dry quarts. I had to buy 10 bags just to fill eight 5 gallon...
  12. D

    24/0 vs. 18/6 debate is over!!!!

    I always use tap water that's been standing opened for 24 hrs to spray and bottled water to water. Maybe I'll try the bottled water, I'm sure the tap water had mineral deposits in it. One thing I did notice though. After I water my leaves, especially near the top, tilt at an upward angle...
  13. D

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Thanks for doing the leg work. But that's the interpertaion of those lawyers. It really boils down to the judges interpertaion. And after reading the article about the guy that went to court in Boulder.... The guy was holding weight and had more plants than me, and he got off without even having...
  14. D

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    You may want to try saying MMJ Card Holders only instead of Dr.'s Perscription. That's an area of the law that's still a little fuzzy and it may the the reason why it's getting pulled after being flagged. Just see how the last ad goes. If it doesn't get pulled, then you're fine. If it does...
  15. D

    24/0 vs. 18/6 debate is over!!!!

    Thanks for the link. +rep But for now I won't be spraying with the lights on. I tried it when I first got the lady bugs with my lights hung at around 28". Just plain pH'd water and my girls got burned. Then it happened again...... I was spraying the mylar with plain water to give the Lady Bugs...
  16. D

    Any1 had this?

    Looks kinda like tree sap to me. Is there anything over the plants that might have dripped onto it. A 2 x 4 that wasn't properly cured of all it's sap maybe?
  17. D

    Any good dirt recipes?

    Start by clicking on the forum button all the way at the top left. Find the forum that you want to post the picture in and click on it. At the top left of the text boxes you'll see a button marked "new thread", click on that. Then post your question & check back every now & then to see if...
  18. D

    Any1 had this?

    There's no pic, can't tell you much unless I see what you're referring to.
  19. D

    Regarding Pruning

    That's some good advice. Any leaf that's at least 50% healthy should be kept. It will provide more photosynthesis for the plant which will help the plant break down oxogyn, CO2, water, & nutes faster so it can grow faster. If you have a leaf that's shading other leaves that you want to keep...
  20. D

    root problems!!

    I'm only an advanced newbie, but I'd say it means that the roots need more room, or you didn't plant the clones deep enough. I'd put more soil on top to cover the root, and if it's big enough I'd transplant it into a bigger pot and add a couple of inches more soil on top. I had a clone that...