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  1. Freedom35

    first grow/couple problems

    good to here!! keep posting pics cause it looks like it will be a winner in the end!!
  2. Freedom35

    1 month old plants not showing sex!

    ^^^ even simpler well put
  3. Freedom35

    Closest Seed Strain?

    and fyi vindictive means seeking revenge so nice big word of the day cause it didnt fit...
  4. Freedom35

    Closest Seed Strain?

    ^^^ wtf? he asked for an idea not a rude comment
  5. Freedom35

    I'm a victim of FIM

    what do u mean victim of fim?? i cant see where u fimmed them. and yes thats not enough light its also too far away and they are over watered
  6. Freedom35

    1 month old plants not showing sex!

    and on top of it 1 month isnt a long time at all if you veg long enough you will eventually see a sex so just relax and let them grow no need to worry
  7. Freedom35

    1 month old plants not showing sex!

    just veg them at 24/0 cannabis plants DONT need the down time to grow like other plants. once you have reached a height you like switch them to 12/12 its simple easy and works great anyone who says other wise doesnt know about the genetics of cannabis. after a short while of 12/12 you will see...
  8. Freedom35

    first grow/couple problems

    there is no way you need to water everyday just because the top soil is dry doesnt mean the bottom is. dig down 3-4 in if that is dry then water if not leave if alone. as for the rest great looking plant beautiful leaves on it too
  9. Freedom35

    Dr.Greenthumb's Freedom 35

    ok sorry for the lac of updating i was going through some difficulty getting my new operation to run smoothly.... but now its all fixed and working a lot better. SO, im on week two of the grow of F35 up to this point i have had terribly slow growth but im gonna blame that on the lack of humidity...
  10. Freedom35

    General Organics Nutrients

    idt that the plans got burnt mid flower but i dont know exactly went seems to be a big trend though that mid flower everything goes to hell. i wish someone knew exactly what is going on and im sure G.H. isnt gonna have an answer
  11. Freedom35

    Oh! Zone (Chemo X OG Kush) Greenthumb Seeds- Trying to beat my record

    i just got a nice big humidifier, got it to raise to 40% at 79 deg...that should help a lot because when i checked it this morning it was at 16%rH :cry:
  12. Freedom35

    Oh! Zone (Chemo X OG Kush) Greenthumb Seeds- Trying to beat my record

    hmmm my low humidity prob isnt helping much either, i built a new set up and having trouble dialing it in.
  13. Freedom35

    Oh! Zone (Chemo X OG Kush) Greenthumb Seeds- Trying to beat my record

    hey gruber speaking of slow growth did the f35 do that for you also? because i swear these things are in a race with a turtle lol they look great just taking forever to get some growth
  14. Freedom35

    Dr. Greenthumb

    hahahha i like to do that also just in case i missed a special one
  15. Freedom35

    Dr. Greenthumb

    dear god i need to get that sooner than i thought...
  16. Freedom35

    Dr. Greenthumb Freedom 35 harvest and smoke report WITH VIDEO!

    so how far are you from harvesting the full length grow?
  17. Freedom35

    General Organics Nutrients

    this is very true budjet, but ya keep me posted because i swear mid flower last time looked like a train wreck for me and a few others it seems too, but so far those girls look great so nice work! :weed:
  18. Freedom35

    General Organics Nutrients

    Thanks man ill look into that and try what ur doin, i mean i guess i live right next to lake Michigan theres gotta be some good stuff around there haha
  19. Freedom35

    General Organics Nutrients

    ill see what i can do guys! thanks for giving me some insite cause ive wanted to do true organics but didnt think i could really pull it off being in the city. but this gives me a bit of confidence to give it a try!
  20. Freedom35

    General Organics Nutrients

    cool, ill try the half strength then. i, gonna do my usual veg and bloom, then add the bud and cal mag