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  1. Twistyman

    seedlings look weird help

    pic would be nice...but 99.9% of time seedling issue is over water.. seedling need just a bit of water every 3-4 days...and not a soaking.. luck.
  2. Twistyman

    I'm getting extremely tired of this "medical" front people are using.

    works for me... what sucks is I have 2 cancers (bladder/throat) and still can't get a card .... fucking Dear Leader Kim Jon Harper has muddied the waters so much you can't even get a paper signed as no one knows what the system will be.
  3. Twistyman

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I'm not cleaning that....!!!!!!
  4. Twistyman

    why cant a view the to park of the forum...

    updates are always a pain..I know some at site can't see pic/YT...its always an event..:wall:
  5. Twistyman

    Can i use 2700k for veg stage?

    yeah you can BUT..throw a daylight/cool cfl in there...I've vegged for yrs with 2 x T5 blues...and 2x red T8's(plant/aquarium)'d do better with SOME blue... like most HPS now have some blue spectrum.
  6. Twistyman

    selling overages on craigslist

    I sold expensive watch on CL...but the mofo was like 60 so ok... still can I'd get that looked at....
  7. Twistyman

    My plants are wilting at night..

    if they're still wilting after 2 yrs someone stole your bud and left a plastic plant and heat got it...
  8. Twistyman

    why cant a view the to park of the forum...

    stop squeezing it then...
  9. Twistyman

    why cant a view the to park of the forum...

    I always hated updates...takes a week to get shit working rt.
  10. Twistyman

    Help with serious red ants

    they will keep spidermites off plants... if you leave them they won't hurt weed... other bugs will be there...and feed them in rain...less ants.
  11. Twistyman

    selling overages on craigslist

    good way to end up with shotgun barrel up your nose..
  12. Twistyman

    Where did the RIU header go?

    its there..but shows code bs...
  13. Twistyman

    why cant a view the to park of the forum...

    all my tops stuff is back...but just get code bs...
  14. Twistyman

    why cant a view the to park of the forum...

    wrong bush dude.... lol...can't get to funny pic thread
  15. Twistyman

    why cant a view the to park of the forum...

    we had hackers at another site..tracked them down and got their facebook pics and actually fucked them all
  16. Twistyman

    should I use a 150watt hps or a T5 light?

    tying and LST will give better yield using T's all through.... single cola T grows give less.
  17. Twistyman

    should I use a 150watt hps or a T5 light?

    can't beat T;s for veg overall.
  18. Twistyman

    should I use a 150watt hps or a T5 light?

    T's for veg..hps for 12/12.. a 430 philips son agro will have 30% blue and red and can do both...and about as hot as a big ass CFL.
  19. Twistyman

    Help me- Help FDD

    sad state of affairs indeed...... if fdd was/is a narc I know of many that would have been flailed by now... I hate fdd as a person online...but don't see him being a "narc".. maybe when he was popped he just came clean as anyone with a brain would if caught red handed.. everyone will think...
  20. Twistyman

    Help me- Help FDD

    Good to hear...