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  1. blower

    1st CFL grow 8ladies'

    Wow good insight bro, was thinking of just making the luquid without using compost/dirt in there just water and put kitchen scraps in cheesecloth while that's sitting in water tub and mix sone guano or bonemeal
  2. blower

    Nutrient question for flowering cycle only..

    Hmm might go with jacks instead of ff
  3. blower

    Alaskan fish emulsion. Anyone use it? Need suggestions.

    Ff for flowering you won't need growbig. Alaska. Bloom yes seen that Im going to get that
  4. blower

    Alaskan fish emulsion. Anyone use it? Need suggestions.

    You read my mind I been wondering about this too. Will it do anything for flowering? And kelpseaweed extract!?
  5. blower

    Nutrient question for flowering cycle only..

    Jacks classics good?
  6. blower

    Best Nutrients For Soil Grows

    What about jacks classics not organic? But grows well right. I want to try instead of wasting bucks on all this hydrostore big bucks shot
  7. blower

    I Think my Pineapple Express has down syndrome. (seedling)

    Hmmm seems hella small to be able to put in rocks like that
  8. blower

    Help me with venting and heat issues....

    How much would a led 205w cost only online?
  9. blower

    Grow log TNR(day11) and bagseed(day01)

    Lovely love the spread of that girls legs lol
  10. blower

    Help Me. Whats wrong with my plant?

    Seaweed extract luquid and Alaskan fishemulsion will work for flowerig as well?
  11. blower

    6' Carbon filter and Portable AC issue

    What about a radio shack fan for a comp, splice it so that it connects to wall. Get ductin connect to a window and other side to hps. Will that work?
  12. blower

    1st CFL grow 8ladies'

    Wow ic so probably just buy already made compost tea. How d you make yours?
  13. blower

    Growing soon need some tips.

    Get lowes mg moisture control or what other say supersoil. Umm get some cfls about 300w a white spectrum and redish. Couple fans thermometer. And foxf.mutes or organics
  14. blower

    How much longer do you think she has to go?

    A lil more. I looks like it can swell up more
  15. blower

    Lets watch them root

    Will the roock wool jIffycuve method then placed into Dixie cup with soil work as well?
  16. blower

    1st CFL grow 8ladies'

    Cool thanks man. Advanced nutrients haven't seen at hydrostore.
  17. blower

    1st CFL grow 8ladies'

    help guys tips
  18. blower

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    check out my sigs guys help me out. need cooling help have to get fan from radioshack and use that with ducting
  19. blower

    check out my cfl-HPS grow-signature!

    help me out guys