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  1. herbose

    WHat's the worst thing you can do when your high?

    I was standing on the frot porch of my company headquarters once. The first sargeant came out, stood next to me and told me to put my hat on because we were outdoors. I pulled my hat out of my field jacket and dropped a fat lid on his foot. He just says "whatdja do...drop yer pot?". Then he...
  2. herbose

    Post-germination: How to plant in medium

    Germinate the seeds in wet paper towel, then place root down in rockwool cube or other similar medium. Or place seed in cube and keep it wet. When it gets going, maybe one set of true leaves, place cube in hydroton. Simple! Good luck.
  3. herbose

    Leaf Edges turning white? (PICS)

    My mistake, if it's dried calcium it won't wipe off and when it's wet it pretty much disappears til it's dry again.
  4. herbose

    going from 18-6

    I just checked this: End of April in my area is over 13 hours daylight and that's when most people start growing outdoors.
  5. herbose

    going from 18-6

    Depends on where you're at, check sunrise/sunset tables for you're area. Where I'm at end of April, beginning of May earliest.
  6. herbose


    Check this link:
  7. herbose

    going from 18-6

    Maybe wait a little longer til you get another hour of sunlight to be safe.
  8. herbose

    going from 18-6

    14/10 is awful close to 12/12 but probably OK. I would try to match the temperatures also.
  9. herbose

    burmese kush in BURMA

    I just gotta ask......what the hell are you doing in Myanmar? I've known people who visited there but never anyone who lives there. I'm assuming you're a westerner.
  10. herbose

    Nitro Def 2 Weeks into Flower :( WHat to do (PIcs)

    Those numbers are not amounts, they're a ratio. .3 .7 .5 is the same as 30 70 50.
  11. herbose

    Nitro Def 2 Weeks into Flower :( WHat to do (PIcs)

    Read this thread, it's about phosphorus AND nitrogen in flowering.
  12. herbose

    Leaf Edges turning white? (PICS)

    Distilled water isn't necessary, bottled drinking water is fine and cheaper. If you plan to do a lot of growing I recommend a reverse osmosis (RO) filter. About $150, but produces the same thing as bottled water.
  13. herbose

    Working in a Hydro shop

    Your experience will def help. How you use it depends on the shop you work in. I've been in shops where they will not discuss "our" type of growing except with general info on hydro. On the other hand I go to a shop where no one make believe we're not growing weed. They are VERY helpful.
  14. herbose

    Leaf Edges turning white? (PICS)

    Can you wipe it off when it's dry? If so it's probably due to hard water and you're going to have to use purer water or get salt build up in your soil. I don't think it's powdery mildew. That doesn't grow in that pattern.
  15. herbose

    Howdy from Latin Weed Grower!

    Welcome! You came to the right place for information. I recommend reading everything in the FAQ, you'll be able to head off problems rather than waiting for problems to develope and then asking "what's happening to my plants?". Sometimes that's too late. Good luck.
  16. herbose

    Outdoor then Indoor Stress?

    Try to match the temperatures. Don't go from 50's outside to 80's indoors. That will stress them for sure.
  17. herbose

    14days into flowering need help

    Try bending them into available space. Healthy looking plants BTW.
  18. herbose

    first timer....(w/pics)

    Just genetics. Consider yourself lucky, they won't get too tall for your space. They look real good.
  19. herbose

    Are my police growin???

    Here's an idea. Next year take pictures that are identifiable as being on their land. Keep copies and give copies to someone with instructions to publish if you ever get busted. If the feds arrive in force at your house, tell them what you've done, should provide some leverage. If it's not their...
  20. herbose

    lighting help

    T5 is better but since you have T12 at least make sure you use the right bulbs. Check this link for spectrum info: