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  1. C.Indica

    Switching Light Times

    No, switch it over right before the size you want. All plants stretch during early flowering. Especially sativas. What strain are you using? What kind of lighting? How old are they? Most healthy plants will stretch between 50% -> 200% of their size once you flower. In other words, a 12"...
  2. C.Indica

    Burnt Tips/Curling leaves HELP!

    Looks like fertilizer burn, have you been feeding them? How old are those plants from seed? If they are clones, when were they taken, and when was the mother plant grown from seed? Did you start at full dose right away? Best to slowly ramp your way up.
  3. C.Indica


    Anyone else notice that in that picture, they wrote "sowed" instead of "sewn" and "mai" instead of "may"? What the hell?
  4. C.Indica

    DAMZ Afghan Kush Ryder CFL Grow

    To fix that stretch, transplant her, and then bury dirt up to the leaves. All the underground stretchy stem will sprout roots in a week or two with proper care. And the added root mass will give her a growth spurt. Good luck!
  5. C.Indica

    2nd cfls grow. Grand daddy purp/ Bubble Kush/ Skunky Monkey

    Vegetation. There's a huge misunderstanding on the wattage of CFL bulbs. Read the package, there will be two numbers. I'm assuming your using something in the 75w range. The only number that matters is the actual wattage. You can't get any more watts out of a bulb than it puts out. So I'm...
  6. C.Indica

    Some Closet CFL Train Wreck and A flash speedy

    Looks like you didn't do enough research before growing that Trainwreck. The last plant looks great, what is it? For the trainwreck, you should have definately trained it into a bush. Especially for CFL lighting. Hope you get more than a quarter oz out of the Trainwreck.
  7. C.Indica

    Green O Matic "The Maiden Voyage"

    Not pure ruderelis, that would give you headachy low yielding ditch weed. Indica makes more sense. Way more sense. What a strange mix, too bad they don't ship to the US. I might never get to try it out. I don't buy seeds, I still have a massive bagseed stash that I'll be using. But I want to...
  8. C.Indica

    RH 40-60%, need to lower it cheaply.

    Temperature isn't what I'm worried about. It's humidity. Yours hovers at 25%, which is perfect. Mine hits 70% peaks, with a minimum of about 45% I'm growing one, all natural, indica. Which means one fat dense indica cola. I don't want it to rot maaaaaaan.
  9. C.Indica

    Gas Lantern Routine

    Makes sence to me, but wouldn't it be better to find the actual point of where the plant can't process anymore light, and then give it the false night?
  10. C.Indica

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    Can a moderator please shut this thread down?
  11. C.Indica

    Is it ok to make this a clone?

    No. That plant has reached the point of senescense. It doesn't have enough hormones left to even root. You're seriously boned. Just smoke it and learn your mistake. Sorry bro, looks like good smoke though at least.
  12. C.Indica

    $900 Electric Bill

    You seriously don't need that much pot. It's just a plant, grow enough to smoke yourself, and maybe bit to sell if that's your game. But you dont need $820 worth of electricity to grow enough plants for that purpose. California is going to think your a west coast kingpin.
  13. C.Indica

    Is it Weed or Weed?

    Whatever that is would make an excellent disguise for a ganja plant. Picture a 5x5 garden full of that, with a plant in the middle.
  14. C.Indica

    Goliath Tomato Thinning?

    Please help, just like our favorite plant on the other forums, I would like to know this answer so I can remove unnecessary fruit before it drains too much energy.
  15. C.Indica

    RH 40-60%, need to lower it cheaply.

    Wait keep away from the plants? Picture your living room with a 3' tall plant in the corner. I need to lower the humidity of that corner, And I was planning on hanging it somewhere near the cola. Although I suppose I could try it farther away and move it closer every day until I lock in the...
  16. C.Indica

    Free Nutrient Samples?

    Thanks a ton! I didn't realize how in depth his guidance got, I will check it out for sure later today. I'm slightly busy right now for the most part but I'll be writing emails like a madman.
  17. C.Indica

    Subcool I need you real quick. Just a minute of your time.

    No, it's not some silly question like "HOW MANY BUDZ AM I GNNA GET!?!?!?1?" I see that you don't accept PM's. I don't know if you can send one to me, but I'd like to have a small 5 minute conversation about your products. I suppose it could be right here in public, but it's all down to your...
  18. C.Indica


    I've never had luck with fimming, and personally I would rather top. I'm doing an all natural right now, but next grow I'm going to top the piss out of them. When it comes to growing, there is no "you need to do this" It's all about what you want to do, and the results you get out of it.
  19. C.Indica

    My First Grow!

    Too much light.. Just put like 2 of them.
  20. C.Indica

    Need a little advice. on cfls.

    Yo fox, send me a link to where I can watch your grow show.