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  1. C.Indica

    Earthworms for your plants?

    Is there any reason why collecting earthworms and putting them in your pots/garden is a bad idea? All I could think of is contamination, but it couldn't be too bad could it? I got the idea because I threw a worm in my jade plant, and said "wait a minute, people buy their shit all day online...
  2. C.Indica

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Looks great, so basically set up your screen, let it start to fill in, flower, and prune weak undergrowth after a couple weeks? And I'm almost positive that the "UDubb" your talking about is UW, as in University of Washington. Not certain, since there's so many silly names for pot these days...
  3. C.Indica

    Deficiency Help Please. I Think it Might be Iron?

    I just flushed her last night, no other leaves are doing this, except one more lower that's barely doing it. Everything else is good so I think it's fixing itself, but until I can get pictures up I'm hoping somebody has an idea? Just wondering, even if it's hopeless. But thanks heathaa, I...
  4. C.Indica

    Deficiency Help Please. I Think it Might be Iron?

    I use dirt, usually a mix of Whitney farms Potting Soil/Perlite. I have FloraNova Growth (veg) fert, which I use randomely. And I never ever check my ph, but the soil has small amounts of dolomite lime. Lights are cfl, but the leaves that died were barely getting any. Other leaves in teh...
  5. C.Indica

    Green O Matic "The Maiden Voyage"

    Pshh I flood the fuck out of mine in veg. I water the dirt like normal, but I soak them with the mister whenever I see them. I'm using CFL's though so you'd have to experiment on placement when they're wet so they don't burn. But they should be able to handle the water and foliar feed.
  6. C.Indica

    Water of Life

    "Please tell me what you are talking about. When was it said that the top was off?" As a hypothesis in an earlier post of mine. I'm by all means being very chill, not trying to offend you.
  7. C.Indica

    Fimming Secondary Growth

    Don't, leave all leaves that are 50% or more healthy. (I roll with a more 30% health 70% damage routine, where I prune the leaf if it's that bad) The best thing to do is hack off small spindly branches, root them if you want. All leaves are the solar panels for a plant.. the fastest growth will...
  8. C.Indica

    Scrog Clones almost to Screen Flowering Room not Ready for Another 50 Days or so

    You could LST the flowering colas? I don't know, improvise. Do you garden or have house plants besides cannabis?
  9. C.Indica

    Water of Life

    I don't see how pressure could build up with the lid off... If you leave water in the sun, life starts.... Algae is some of the beginning, and if you take a magnifying glass, you'll see some tiny shit after a while. Go ahead and take a glass of water, put a small peace of lettuce in it, and...
  10. C.Indica

    How Much of a Plants Potential Genetically Predetermined?

    You guys are raging now, this is all silly. Why are you getting mad about a plant? What I'm saying is, all the pot your smoking today, came from hundreds or thousands of generations of selective breeding, and in the VERY BEGINNING it was all wild ditch weed. You guys must be "very uneducated"...
  11. C.Indica

    Green O Matic "The Maiden Voyage"

    Looking good so far, she recovered nice but she's thirsty. Try misting her frequently while she's in veg. + Water when she's dry like a half inch down or something, and let just a little water run out of the bottom of the pot.
  12. C.Indica

    PC Grow Case CFL

    google "hand art" bro, you'll see tons of that artist.
  13. C.Indica

    Say These Were Your Plants

    Hahaha yea I light fried a baby once, it turned into a super small BUSH. Thing was like 10" tall, with like 15 internodes straight up, plus branches. And was spitting out 13'ers at like 2mo. Was a male though :/
  14. C.Indica

    Cloned a Plant. Did I do it Right?

    Please, don't open the bag and leave it open until they're rooted. Or you will come back in 30 minutes to a pile of dry salad. Good luck.
  15. C.Indica

    70 HPS VS 175 MH For Flowering One Plant

    Holy bawls guys, I don't know the answer but at least I know the question; He wants to know: For his ONE big plant, should he have ONE 70w HPS, or ONE 175w MH. Geez. Is your plant flowering yet? I'd DEFINATELY say veg it under the MH. But for flower it's a tough choice. Does anybody...
  16. C.Indica

    Say These Were Your Plants

    Or maybe you treat your plants like they're ATMs. Seriously man, have some respect for another life. If your running a warehouse, go ahead and start your plants however you want, transplant as much or little as you want, but don't expect the quality that comes from paying attention to...
  17. C.Indica

    Strange Leaves?

    I had one do that, he was up to 13's before I found his balls. I made sure no one would ever find him.
  18. C.Indica

    PC Grow Case CFL

    Glad to see she's still beautiful. Don't scrap it. You'll regret it, I vote you pick out your favorite plant and focus all your lights on it, and put your others outside or something. Let nature take care of them.
  19. C.Indica

    Green O Matic "The Maiden Voyage"

    Heat stress isn't it? Try misting them and setting them on outskirts of the HID light, every now and then until they dry again or something. I can't remember if leaves curled up meant they were trying to get rid of all their water, or that they're heat stressed, but I swear it's one of the two.
  20. C.Indica

    How Much of a Plants Potential Genetically Predetermined?

    Bullshit.. You can take any hemp strain, and inbreed it to the point of 30% thc. If you don't believe me, then where do you think all this White Russian and Chemdawg and all that junk came from? Random, wild populations of cannabis selectively bred for generations. It's down to choice, and...