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  1. bonz

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    ha get a journal of your growing eggs
  2. bonz

    Crimea Blue,Trainwreck,Violator Kush 1st Hydro Medical

    all in fun man...i have been known to have a light hore....i mean a hores light from time to time.
  3. bonz

    Crimea Blue,Trainwreck,Violator Kush 1st Hydro Medical

    ok we need to talk.....what the fuk is the LIGHT beer doing in the shot....thats like smokin leaf compared to the buds.......jk i have my trainwreck on its way to myself now. ya it does hit hard
  4. bonz

    Feminized seeds

    it is mostly recomended to do it in veg, just takes a bit longer to revert back to veg and a bit of shock to the main plant. try it next go round.
  5. bonz

    Bonz`s Dutch Treat 12/12 cfl grow

    ok first off here we have my dutch in the flower room. things are lookin a bit better in there. i did a flushj on them a few days ago, to much salt build up causing defficiencies. then we have the breeding cab. i have some other pics that where taken on a different cam but...
  6. bonz

    All organic indoor grow, Medusa from Nirvana**With Pictures**

    i dont need to be praised or nothing like that. i like to help out. and my reward is more experienced growers to overgrow the world. peace guys and keep up the good work.
  7. bonz

    Feminized seeds

    jump in man, worst that will happen is that the clones wont make it but the main plant will be ok. you could end up with alot more than 2 tops. i am about to update my journal on my dutch treat, have a look how minbe branched out and how many heads i ended up with. just click my sig.
  8. bonz

    Feminized seeds

    did you cut all the lower branches off. and next time top them and it will give you more heads.
  9. bonz

    Feminized seeds

    i wouldnt bother with fem seeds like i keep me its a waste of money. stick to a quality breeder...not a nice named seed store. that dont realy matter except for who`s seeds they will supply. and as far as that " how to get more females" well, all the years of doing this and i have...
  10. bonz

    All organic indoor grow, Medusa from Nirvana**With Pictures**

    nice little box ya got there, plants are lookin good to.
  11. bonz

    Bonz`s Dutch Treat 12/12 cfl grow

    they are the dutch treat. the female that i screwed up on and puy 2 in 1 pot are both the same strain and the 1 plant on the left is the bubba kush. he realy busted his balls last night, i will get some more pics later of my pollenating. im goinhg to helpit along with dusting the pistills with...
  12. bonz

    Feminized seeds

    durban poison a breeder? i think he was refering to dutch passion
  13. bonz

    Feminized seeds

    glad to some people still feel the need to waste money on big names and fem seeds. shit i only spend no more than 60 to 100 buck a pack and get no more than 3 to 4 male at the most. funny to cause fem seeds are the easiest thing to make, actualy you can do absolutly nothing to them and have...
  14. bonz

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    fdd are those shots done by thumbnail...i like the way they look clicking on them with the black screen in the background. realy shows the pic better.
  15. bonz

    Feminized seeds

    thats ok i do agree with ya there ludacris....the grower that does his own research will be the better grower in the end. there is probably more wrong advice from people here anyways. it will be a hard lesson when things dont work out in the end.
  16. bonz

    To pinch, or not to pinch......(pics)

    thats ok as long as they dont get to hot, they will stop growing. just watch for the leaves to curl up. the closer the better. mine are only about 6 to 10 inches away from my glass.
  17. bonz

    Feminized seeds

    f1 is the most sought after tyupe of seed. it is the most stable and then the further out you go....f2, f3 and so on the less stable and less females tyou get. they will also change what the original phenos look like. check the link Marijuana Genetics
  18. bonz

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    thx there maiden.....i had a dust fairy come to visit. mt roomy has a kodak easy share dx6490. i cant get this thing to work worth a shit compared to my small cheepo nikkon. the kodak has 10x zoom, and 4 mega pixel. my little guy only has 3x zoom and 5.9 megapixel and is a way better camers...
  19. bonz

    To pinch, or not to pinch......(pics)

    like i said in pm. if you have the room to tie em down then that would be best. there is no need to pinch them to lst, just tie them over. i dont take what you say as an attack there tussel. i also have done most ways of doing this and have my stuff tested for contents with dr hornby and his...
  20. bonz

    To pinch, or not to pinch......(pics)

    im not talking about raping the poor thing, just a few of the leaves. actualy a plant will ripen with the largest buds first, they take the most nutes from what you feed them. i have done this several times and have had verry minimal loss from the trimming and taking of largs buds.