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  1. rene112388

    running seeds vs keepers and clones

    With seeds there is no guarantee you will have females. Also remember that there is more genetic variation with seeds so the first seeds you pop may be great genetics and the other could be less desirable. Seeds are a great way to select phenotypes with desirable genetics but with variablility...
  2. rene112388

    Cutting down flowering hours to reduce stretch?

    Do you mean you use a 12/12 light cycle, I am having trouble processing your post. You say vertical rates and foliage to be almost identical can you elaborate? Also what was/is your light setup when you determined this?
  3. rene112388

    Floragro nutrients dosage, all 3 at once as directed?

    Also I forgot to add If you use RO the ppm will differ than with tap water
  4. rene112388

    Floragro nutrients dosage, all 3 at once as directed?

    That is correct you would use all 3 together as directed. I use these at work in the clone room but a slightly different formulation. You canvtruar that manufacturers did the research and this should be an appropriate dose of nutrients for your plants. I would also test your ppms to see if you...
  5. rene112388

    Cutting down flowering hours to reduce stretch?

    To reduce stretching use a blue light spectrum, this promotes more compact growth whereas red promotes enlongation. Also utilize a negative DIF. DIF is the difference in day and night temperature so a negative DIF means your day temperature is lower than your night temperature, this also...
  6. rene112388

    I want to know more about general horticulture

    Horticulture is amazing if you are in school you should subscribe to greenhouse growers magazine they usually require a "company name" which would be your college. Look for introductions to plant biology, often times schools will have course material available. Also make sure to look at where...
  7. rene112388

    Is this a nute burn or what.. ?

    You have a few options, but first and foremost you can always flush the plant. I would then alter the schedule to begin feeding at the recommended dose after it dries out from the flush. I would personally lower the ppms for a short period of time (1 or 2 waterings) then return to your normal...
  8. rene112388

    California has given up about all the water it has

    and I may revisit this thread when I am a little more gathered lol
  9. rene112388

    California has given up about all the water it has

    What I was saying isn't as cut and dry as I made it sound.. I know there are many factor involved and I am not saying all agriculture is bad in fact I am President of my schools agricultural club and compete in national Ag competitions and expos, my point was as far as the water a huge...
  10. rene112388

    California has given up about all the water it has

    It is funny how crops are being water restricted and how people think commerical crop production is to blame however ag systems and the cost to maintain such things like cow farms is the problem. If the world cut down there meat consumption it could remove many issues, one crops grown here are...
  11. rene112388

    possible to remove 99+% of THC, while keeping buds in tact?

    We picked u this "bud" while picking mushrooms in oregon that looked smelt and tasted authentic but did nothing psychoactivly, maybe it was that internet shit that was mentioned, but it would'lve been damn impressive how real it seemed-exept we were out of smoke so it just pissed us off
  12. rene112388

    Solvents for making hash oil

    Sorry couldn't read any further without sayin something , it's N2 not N nitrogen is diatomic we'll see if you redeem yourself after I read the rest of the thread but damn man as a chemistry student stuff like this really hurts to read
  13. rene112388

    Effects of vegging under flower/red light.

    I could show you a plant biology book rather than an experiment as far as pfr I just started getting into this and may just review that chapter before Ispeak
  14. rene112388

    How to saturate butter

    define "undesireable" is it reguard to taste or effect edit: sorry reread your post, thats interesting i'm ok with the typical sedative effect and have begun to expect it, but i would love to try for an alternative! also I'm not running a dispensary or anything so I don't care too much the...
  15. rene112388

    Effects of vegging under flower/red light.

    Blue and red light have two different types of growth blue influences leaf growth resulting in bushier plants red light give more internode inlongation it does this to get the flowers up to the top of the plant to attract pollenators weather wind or insect the spectrums aren't about intensity...
  16. rene112388

    How to saturate butter

    so if I understand ; your saying we should make some wax and add it instead of boiling trim in butter - which is totally doable we're about to order a vac purge anyway but I'm curious why And I was kind of guessing butter and oil might not have a saturation point and your reply seems to...
  17. rene112388

    How to saturate butter

    Interested in making super potent butter and coconut oil wondering how much of what percent cannabis these mediums can take before becoming saturated
  18. rene112388

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Thank you for your answers the problem I have with this is oils are stickier than water so rinsing wouldn't be effective much the same as Washington oils off your skin or dishes.. I do UsE neem I'm just wonder about if what "we" have always used is all that good for our intent or selves
  19. rene112388

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Rosemary oil? Will these herbs work as a water infusion also to help prevent clogging the plants pores? Are you saying you used nicotine or neonicatinoides? I just don't see why people would nt go all natural sure its a battle but a fun one cuz your always in the garden!
  20. rene112388

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    I was reading this and seen someone swears by mighty wash which a friend of mine uses well I have a few questions I hope can be answered.. first my friend told me mighty wash contains pyrithinen (don't know spelling) but the pink label he has lists only water and inert substances and says...