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  1. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    lol yeah i've been banned don't you remember grizz was Pissed ;) that aside i almost got hit by 2 cops! my lights turns green so i start to go this car flies up the hill i slam on my breaks then he flips his lights on! so start going again a second one does the same thing neither had headlights...
  2. rene112388

    too new to do RIU?

    ah so sweet of you adam to make sure i can get Ahold of ya sad when my man knows if he needs to get Ahold of me just post on riu :lol: and Reggae glad you got the pic's figured out i cracked up when i seen your post feeling a bit cocky today?
  3. rene112388

    too new to do RIU?

    lol awe you even posted the link so could watch now might let adam jump on soon
  4. rene112388

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    now that's what i'm talking about do it do it now lol you know you want to :)
  5. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    me too like reopen my Rambles lol bastards i was banned couldn't even get it closed myself
  6. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    i seen that don't ya wish you could change the threads name lol
  7. rene112388

    Tranceus bagseed vs genetics DWC

    lol no worries fab glad you made it and tranc wanted to say sorry didn't mean to jack your thread still have to catch that first video you sent this girl just got too tired
  8. rene112388

    too new to do RIU?

    i'm sending out an sos i'm sending out an sos lol great lime now it's stuck in my head! and hello fab glad ya made it sorry i couldn't resist messin with ya last night adam didn't want me to just drag y'all over wanted you guys to find it :)
  9. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    lmao me too i was at your thread then was like where the Fuck am i and how did i get here then realized it was my thread lol still don't know how i got there but it's nice people still watch it even if it's only 2 people lol so my cub can roll over i watched him! brent they not supposed to do...
  10. rene112388

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    morning lime
  11. rene112388

    Reggaerican's kicks and giggles 1500w scrog grow

    hey easy it's not too hard to blow glass it's the real detailed Shit that is hard i'm sure you could find a market like fab said be cheaper for someone to send you the supplies then the glass itself who knows maybe one day the pot fairy may pay you a visit ;)
  12. rene112388

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    ah your right Reggae it'd be worth some bumps and bruises i want out the city so bad but the Bf likes it here.. that's cool you got a few up there can't wait to see what they do we got a friend in the mountains here that has offered some space we are still thinking about it though
  13. rene112388

    too new to do RIU?

    thats sweet guys and yep reggae you will see we are very much two peas in a pod sos
  14. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    sounds like a good time and you sure like that timmies dont you lol glad the boys are into that stuff nice to walk we just took cub to the store walked course he was well bundled
  15. rene112388

    too new to do RIU?

    these guys already know that i'm a little bit more than just crazy but yea you got me baby and we got this. can't wait to start our grow. also lime and reggae thanx for stopping by, i just wanted you all to have a chance to meet
  16. rene112388

    Reggaerican's kicks and giggles 1500w scrog grow

    smart man :lol: and lime i bet you could toss one outdoor and itd live lol you topped a seedling and we all seen that!
  17. rene112388

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    ah :hug: don't be frustrated Reggae we all feel ya on technology i'm always Grr'in to lime about it lol and IDK about the no electricity thing myself i'd be bruised head to toe in an hour i can't see in the dark lol
  18. rene112388

    Tranceus bagseed vs genetics DWC

    lol already given everyone a hint look close whats different ;)
  19. rene112388

    Tranceus bagseed vs genetics DWC

    you gotta find him fab shouldnt be hard
  20. rene112388

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    reggae frustrated i missed something??