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  1. cronusoner


    holy shit u know how make hash? teach me please cuz i too have to dispose off alot leaves and branches, like almost a whole garbage bag, what matrials does it require? how much do u think ill spend to get this going? is it complicated? peace hope 2 hear from u soon,, oh n 1 more thing if u do...
  2. cronusoner


    well thats cool dude but be careful wit those seeds cuz you never know?when i started growing from seeds (Hindu Kush) the most sadest part i had was when i found out that i had to throw away the four strongest looking plants and i only had seven seeds to begin with....i hate the fact that i...
  3. cronusoner

    trainwreck in areogarden

    oh and listen to that guy londoner he sounds like he really knows what he's talking about. and Mr.Londoner to answer your question about the lights, their 25 watts floros and yes i do agree wit you on the fact that its not a good idea to crop in this thing but it is good for cloning or even just...
  4. cronusoner

    trainwreck in areogarden

    great fuckin' job dude!!! for a one monther that is great size but i must warn u. u better start flowering that girl soon cuz the aero garden isn't made for monsters!your gonna have a three to four foot beast congrats!
  5. cronusoner


    hey bigd wuz up? i come in peace but i must say my friend the way you are explaing your cloning experience to us sound as if your very shocked and suprised with the results your getting.....well if you dont remember, i guess i'll remind you. when u clone the plants tend to "grow at amazing...
  6. cronusoner


    LMAO dont be mad cuz every thing i said puts your growing style to shame like i said b4 i just wanted to help but you tried to tell me i dont know about growing and shit when i'm the real king cropper here.. oh and it doesnt matter how i spell or write bcuz its good enough for everyone to...
  7. cronusoner


    and y the hell would you say you cloned something without knowing its sex?????????????????????????????????????females females females females you probably dont have any!!you sound really smart buddy!!!
  8. cronusoner


    okay all i have to say is your getting 7 grams max from each plant...LMAO...LMAO....LMAO..... how are you gonna tell me that my info was from da internet and then give me a link wit 79 pages of gay shit on the internet, buddy obviously your the one who gets his info from bull shit internet...
  9. cronusoner

    Yet another Aerogarden grower

    if was u i would grow my mother in a seperate container like a five gallon bucket the bigger the root mass the bigger the plant the faster it grows. also never and i mean never use aluminium foil as a reflective material. it conducts heat and it also takes away 30% of your light so u actullay...
  10. cronusoner


    also i forgot to tell you...inhale....exhale..... you dont have to wait the whole two months to start cutting clones off the two plants you've chosen to keep and clone. (mother plants is the proper term for them)you can start cutting as early as the first month as long as their avaliable on the...
  11. cronusoner


    ok BigD this ones 4 u first of all i dont want to come off too cocky bcuz this my fisrt post ever on this site but i've been growing 4 well over a year and i pretty much know my shit. number 1 your temp is wrong 75-80 is the ideal temp this temp. will increase your yeild by 15%-30% and raise the...