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  1. geewhizimtheshiz

    Police dogs: how well can they smell bud?

    good points here: a) i have a magical vagina, it has been proven. b) i have thought about hiding it in my snatch...could the dog reeeally smell anything up there? fuck, after all, it's inside me lol.
  2. geewhizimtheshiz


    'god' fucked up a lot of shit man. dont give 'god' the credit for something so fucking amazing like bud. ..i mean, afterall, bud is real haha
  3. geewhizimtheshiz

    Most Miserable Period Of My Life Selfish Gf

    original poster. no worries and thanks for sharing the love man
  4. geewhizimtheshiz


    haha is virginia? but yeah dude..they are still making it...dude that owns a smoke shop up the road from me still has it..they just changed some chemicals...but still, shit aint good..
  5. geewhizimtheshiz

    Police dogs: how well can they smell bud?

    i guess i would be fucked regardless..shit. i have a fucking police scare right now and i really dont want to cut my mary jane out of my life. sigh..
  6. geewhizimtheshiz


    fuck fuck fuck dude...stop smoking spice... it fucking killed my lungs and yeah, i know about your friend's situation. i ripped two fat bowls of that shit, it's called woodstock and bad to the bone, and i couldnt do a DAMN thing..i was shaky and your physical motion is forced and...
  7. geewhizimtheshiz

    I hate George Lopez

    haha im just sayin i hate people who are on tv and dont deserve to be. ...and i love tacos. haha
  8. geewhizimtheshiz

    Police dogs: how well can they smell bud?

    yeah dude, the reason why i asked about a can, i have a can that looks like just a legit food product can and i hide my shit there. wondering if i should fill the can with coffee grounds and hide my bag in between? i've heard so many stories about dogs not finding shit when it's hidden...
  9. geewhizimtheshiz

    Most Miserable Period Of My Life Selfish Gf

    ...back to the point of the im smoking a bowl for you, OP. people are fucking shitty but this bud aint.
  10. geewhizimtheshiz

    Most Miserable Period Of My Life Selfish Gf

    so much rage inside of someone that i have never talked to before up here...haha it's entertaning. i would love to see you "punch a girl that acted like me in the teeth". i've gotta see this, Samantha Green. i'm very
  11. geewhizimtheshiz

    hey man, can you delete my acct? thanks never mind...i dont want to. my whoopsies! :)

    hey man, can you delete my acct? thanks never mind...i dont want to. my whoopsies! :)
  12. geewhizimtheshiz

    I hate George Lopez

    if you dont like something, why waste your precious time on it? i'm just sayin. lol
  13. geewhizimtheshiz

    Police dogs: how well can they smell bud?

    stupid police scare due to a snitcher. i need to be prepared or either stop my stoner ways :/
  14. geewhizimtheshiz

    Police dogs: how well can they smell bud?

    Im wondering where you could hide bud and not get busted by a dog? Is a can, for instance, sufficient?
  15. geewhizimtheshiz

    I hate George Lopez

    por favor, im assuming.
  16. geewhizimtheshiz

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    ....with you? i thought we had discussed this already?????
  17. geewhizimtheshiz

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    oh shit, so blazed and im ready to sail the 7 seas. AHOOOOYYYYYY
  18. geewhizimtheshiz

    Know Any Famous Influential People On Drugs

    Jimi hendrix <3 my hero. God basically...
  19. geewhizimtheshiz

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    waking and fucking baking dudes... gonna get a legit seafood dinner stoked..steamed shit..ive always lived near the beach and now i dont anymore so im pretty excited..gonna get soooooo baked before i go.
  20. geewhizimtheshiz

    Know Any Famous Influential People On Drugs

    tim lincecum fo sho