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  1. edux10

    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

    Get a clear disposable (sp?) cup. Its like a micro greenhouse for clones!:hump:
  2. edux10

    SnowDawg Seeds anyone?

    Anyone know of a place selling these seeds? Or a CA med club with clones? I would settle for a ChemDawg clone too. Thanks all and +rep for any replys!
  3. edux10

    SourBubble seeds

    bump...... or clones???
  4. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    little more info Purple Cindy Purple Cindy is a very potent cross between Purple Oregon Thai and Cinderella 99. Purple Thai is a first generation land-race Chocolate Thai crossed once with a first generation land-race Highland Oaxaca Gold. Cinderella 99 or "C99" is a potent cross between Jack...
  5. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    And here is Earls Purple Cindy grow! Looks very nice. Can't wait to see it with the WW genetics in there. Doesn't look like it got all that purple but awesome nonetheless
  6. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    if anyone cares Purple Cindy It's a cross between C99 and Purple Oregon Thai.
  7. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    Right on! I will not dissapoint! I am really interested in seeing the outcome as well!!
  8. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    I forgot, I didn't post my feed shcedule yet. I was just kind of getting it down. I use this Advanced Nutrients' Nutrient Calculator - Analyze Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrient Levels for Your Hydroponic or Indoor Garden. I don't have everything that it calls for but enought to make it nice! I...
  9. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    nice, I have never used tap indoors. Its wierd how outdoors seems to be less tempermental. I used to buy what ever water was the cheapest but I have learned the ways. Distilled is great, I just but a 2.5 gallon jug then mix all my nutes right into it (so I give it whatever it says for 2.5...
  10. edux10

    Political Compass test im pretty much on the same page as Dankdude
  11. edux10

    Political Compass test
  12. edux10

    Tell me... would this ever work?

    Cool, I do have the little syrenge that you can see how much co2 is in the air. I was not going to dose it while lights were off, sorry if I wrote that. I was going to dose when lights came on then let it out at the end of the day. So what you are saying is that I need to dose it with co2 then...
  13. edux10

    Ever have the authorities visit your med patch?

    I hear mendo you have to pay 15$ for every extra plant you have after 20 or 25 or something like that. There are little tags you can buy from the head shops without putting your name down or anything. People were growing too much and destroying animal habitats and drying up lakes.
  14. edux10

    Ever have the authorities visit your med patch?

    yeah no more plant limits for cali! Gotta love that. I didnt ever see why some people were allowed to grow more because of their county. There is really no way to run a legit garden (indoors anyway) with only 6 flowering OR 12 immature plants. It would be hard becuase you would have to harvest...
  15. edux10

    Edux10's WidowCindy Grow

    you really should. They are the best to have. I was having a lot of problems with keeping my room cool before I set this up right. I would have to be running my a/c like 24/7 just to keep the room at 87! Those grow tents really heat up quick and keep the heat in there. So, basically I got the...
  16. edux10

    Tell me... would this ever work?

    I am hooking up co2, all I have is a timer the regulator and the tanks, no controller. Do I have to have an exhaust for the CO2? Its in a tent so I was thinking I should charge the room when the light comes on at 8 then an hr before they go off I should just open the then and let all the co2...
  17. edux10

    Humidity question

    the plant will be happer, greener, grow faster, etc. It is one of those things you have to just do to understand...
  18. edux10

    CHILL WINSTON! GG's escape to paradise!

    yeah drip is easy, every time I go to the hydro store they are out of drippers though, isn't that like a staple of a hydro store?!?
  19. edux10

    2012 the end or not???

    watch the movie zietgiest. It explains that 2012 is the end of an age. The next age will start after this one is over, don't worry.
  20. edux10

    Soon to be 200w Grow Cab, HPS + CFL Question.

    to fix that light leak you can get that foam stripping. It works really well, just has sticky on the back. It will work perfectly for what you are doing