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  1. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    u living with a roomate or a girlfriend chosen? get them their card also... then double down. lol sick sick set up man. Wish i could do something like that how are the yields? and some sick strains man... + Rep for u. i really gotta move to socal...
  2. ambedexteras

    How to keep pee warm for a drug tes(I am a female)! HELP

    go with situations method honey... was gonna say best way to be 100% sure it will be body tempature... is have it in ur body. as a male i would do a test cup filled with clean pee and walk with it right under the nuts. ive passed 10 + tests this way. I was gonna say either a plastic bag....not...
  3. ambedexteras

    SouthEastern Kentucky, Growing in the Mountains

    looking good man. theyre monsters. gonna be a good yield.
  4. ambedexteras

    whats happening to my seedlings ?:(,any vets know?

    did you by chance take the helmet off manually? helmet meaning the seed on top as it came up , if it did come up with the seed still on it. cuz ive had a plant come up with the seed still on in and i manually removed it thinking it was ready to come off ending up killing the plant i guess it...
  5. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    u da man budologist. ur videos are funny and i love how many dogs u got bro. o ya ur plants are ill also lol
  6. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Look @ this purple stem. mad bad aass. plants prolly gonna be some sick ass smoke.
  7. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    ya man ive done lie 15 tranplants this yr. all without losing root mass. however most were from a solo cup to like a 2-3 gal container. The transplanting becomes more difficult when you get to the 2-3 gal to the 10+ gal. but i will sadly do a couple more in my garden this season so ill be...
  8. ambedexteras

    Second grow! Still a noob! Come one, come all :)

    hmm topp an auto to make it stop flowering? never heard that one but def keep us posted. and overall Autos have weakened bud. for instance if you grow a Purple kush reg. and a purple kush auto the exact same way. the auto is gonna be weaker bud no matter what because of the genetic...
  9. ambedexteras

    DAY 42 of Flowering

    +++ rep for you situation. Sick setup, and a nice ass perpetual harvest. i hope to one day get my set up this fine tuned. where abouts in the country you @ man id love your help with my room lol. as for all eyes. 2.5 lbs is still solid. for 25 plants producing about 2 ozs aint bad. prolly a...
  10. ambedexteras

    Prop 8 : what has this state and country came to ?

    In the words of the Great but not late Macklemore "No Freedom till' we're equal, Damn right I support it" :bigjoint:
  11. ambedexteras

    How long does it take you?

    lol ya man solo not the way to do it. u dont have any dudes/girls you trust enough to smoke up on a blunt and help you trim? nothing like a good trim party. last yr had 3 plants about 12 oz took 3 ppl about 2 hrs.... and thats stoned. imagine if we waited till after to burn?...... we never wait...
  12. ambedexteras

    Seed banks in the united states?

    ya wouldnt mind a US seed bank myself with some nice reputable breeders. someones lobbying for that law to change somewhere. theres mad money to be made in seeds. shit a male can produce hundreds right? @ 5-8$ a seed depending on strain? $$$$$$Chedda Chedda nothin betta wish i could start a...
  13. ambedexteras

    Prop 8 : what has this state and country came to ?

    Im str8 as an arrow and just read this whole thread. Uncle buck is a hell of an arguer. and the obviously gay dude defending the rights. u made some valid points but mostly your avatar is awesome. i am for gay marriage. you are born, Black, white, Brown, and sometimes gay. lol no reason to...
  14. ambedexteras

    Bubba Kush from seed....Diamond Og & SFV Og from clone...."I GROW with My Soul"

    any time sir. i give credit when credit is due. and ya it looked really nice man. i might just run one myself.
  15. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    lol damn kevdog that thing is a BEAST
  16. ambedexteras

    Bubba Kush from seed....Diamond Og & SFV Og from clone...."I GROW with My Soul"

    dude just looked @ ur TD and louie XIII grow thread. absolutely out of this world buds man. you are a fucking master of the craft. well done
  17. ambedexteras

    Bubba Kush from seed....Diamond Og & SFV Og from clone...."I GROW with My Soul"

    wow man, this sounds delicious and 31% is one of the higher ones ive heard. I would give many things to grab some of those seeds man. + rep for you looks awesome. and the blue moon looked dank also. U da man.
  18. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    can you elaborate man? like i said never used this size. and that was pretty vague comment. u saying its gonna outgrow it? that would be nuts. it only has about 2 more months of veg b4 flower.
  19. ambedexteras

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Hey guys, Transplanted my pride and joy from like a 2.5Gal container to about a 40 gal container. put 35 gall composted dirt 5 gal the rest of my 707 soil. lost about 10% of the roots during the switch but i think itll be OK. this is by far the biggest container ive used to date. but i was...
  20. ambedexteras

    Please tell me how she looks for first grow

    need a pic my frand :joint::mrgreen: