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  1. dankshizzle


    My new addition I swooped today. A FREEEk horny Slyme rig.
  2. dankshizzle

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Most of my glass came from the Internet. Artist direct. Lurch is a cool guy, so is JP and the HiSi guys.
  3. dankshizzle


    It actually ripped great. A little drag but not bad. I think the Hitman was the draggy one. Those things have more drag than RuPaul...
  4. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    My slide holder is a thread spool holder from a fabric store. 5$ and "can you make perks" is a very general question. Natural perks, circs, shower heads, plinko, Swiss, inlines, trees, diffys, discs, matrix, bell, the list goes on. Those are all perks. What one are you speaking of?
  5. dankshizzle

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Fits in my cup holder. I try to be careful with my glass. So far I have never broken anything that I didnt make. Knock on wood. still got the pieces?
  6. dankshizzle

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Here's a shot of my cabinet also.
  7. dankshizzle


    I like glass... This is what fits in my cabinet....
  8. dankshizzle

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Here is rig #11 I just got. I think I'm addicted.....
  9. dankshizzle


    The only way to vape.
  10. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Thanks verde. Wondet what the metal thing in the cork is. Other than that it looks like a jar
  11. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Like for Hempwick? What's the one you got look like?
  12. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Yeah. I'm down
  13. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Wonder why it's not showing for you.
  14. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Also my glass collection had gotten larger. Added toro, evil empire, 4.0 and more to it since we last talked....
  15. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    I'm here.... Been making recyclers. Rigs. The usual. Here's a rig I just made.. Double dish First recycler made a few more since then.. second recycler first rig in this pic.
  16. dankshizzle

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    They cleared it up and no roof is mentioned. They redefined the laws. And chicken wire with a locked gate out of view of neighbors is all you need.
  17. dankshizzle

    Heady Glass Doob Tubes?

    I was thinking the paper towel roll you blow your hit through. Haha. Filled with dryer sheets. I could make those but I think the customer base would be under 18
  18. dankshizzle

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    So how's everyone feel about the new outdoor growing laws?
  19. dankshizzle

    anyone making sliders? looking for a nice bowl 18.8

    sorry. cant log on with my phone for some reason.. i have some slides made.. email me and ill see what i can do. just been playing catch up.
  20. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    cant log on.. using a compouter somewhere else.. update on what i been up too.. thanks