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  1. normlpothead

    Advanced Nutrients - Organic Soil, Input?

    Forgot to mention, 600W HPS vented hoods digital ballasts, co2 enrichment (tank with fuzzylogic), 4 lights, 12 x 12 room, 9 plants per light.
  2. normlpothead

    Advanced Nutrients - Organic Soil, Input?

    Hey everyone, first off I'd consider myself a experienced grower, but comparing growing technique is always helpful, so I'll describe my technique and comments are welcome. Growing Medium: -5 gal buckets (holes drilled on bottom and sides.) -45% Becuzz Hydromix Spagnum moss/ perlite -45%...
  3. normlpothead

    Lemon G?

    I thought dumpster was another name for?B?Fucking incredible, shit drawin a blank, big bud? Blueberry? Crap, anyone? BFI, like dumpsters...
  4. normlpothead

    What exactly is flushing?

    Talk about straying off topic, post counts, pissing contests, philosophy, this could be a whole bunch of different threads, let's let it die, i'm not posting about what flushing is anymore, as far as i'm concerened, it's a polite gesture after explosive diarreha while in a public restroom.
  5. normlpothead

    What exactly is flushing?

    Thanks, i can piss farther than you ha :D
  6. normlpothead

    What exactly is flushing?

    Do you have a philosophy degree, cause that's the first thing i've read that makes sense. I guess this is a resource of sorts, where you will get more answers than you need, some right, some not wrong but not right, and it's up to you to decide by trial and error. I don't agree with...
  7. normlpothead

    What exactly is flushing?

    Seriously, i might be crazy, but i think the answer to the complete legalization for recreational use is possible if everyone that smokes herb openly admits to it and does it in public. I snap joints outside crowded bars, in deadlock traffic, at parks, around people. I don't hide it, i just act...
  8. normlpothead

    When to start adding bloom nutes??

    :D well that's what i read
  9. normlpothead

    What exactly is flushing?

    It's hard to "follow the wise" when there are ten idiots leading the ship towards an iceburg, what i'm trying to say is there are many ways of growing a plant some are better than others, 9 years ago i too thought my methods were strange, but i've read tons of info, and grown countless gardens...
  10. normlpothead

    how schwag grows?

    Major operations in mexico like shipinit said, in the midwest, urban gangsters try to sell hemp as weed, kentucky is a hemp farming state, and some of it gets ripped off and sold as weed. Basically schwag is ditchweed, no gardening involved, canabis is a native plant to north america.
  11. normlpothead

    how schwag grows?

    Major operations in mexico like shipinit said, in the midwest, urban gangsters try to sell hemp as weed, kentucky is a hemp farming state, and some of it gets ripped off and sold as weed. Basically schwag is ditchweed, no gardening involved, canabis is a native plant to north america.
  12. normlpothead

    Hydroponics VS Soil (plz read)

    I don't think anyone mentioned that soil growers eventually have to dispose of a bunch of soil, while hydro growers (if they use expanded clay) can reuse their medium forever. Debating which is better is like debating religion there are too many variables.
  13. normlpothead

    CO2 set up

    +1 good posts 420 time! The tablets seem pretty lo-tech, i've never messed with them but would like to know more, i was thinking of adding an enrichment system to my veg/clone room, and tablets might be easy and cheap. I currently run a tank with fuzzylogic in my bloom rooms.
  14. normlpothead

    Advanced Nutrients Advice For Hydro

    140 is pretty damn good for tap water, add calicum and magnesium to RO water, and i think your meter reads in incriments of 10.
  15. normlpothead

    Co2 and Temps

    :slaps forehead:
  16. normlpothead

    Co2 and Temps

    Questions answered in order: You, the shit YOU say, No but I know an awful lot more than you, i haven't asked a single question?!? I'll kill his plant's just like 1500 ppms of co2 enrichment at 85 degrees, your an idiot go back to playing with your Barbie dolls.:I
  17. normlpothead

    Co2 and Temps

    Nice choice for a degree, Everything sounds good, 85 is a good running temp, i can't believe this growordie guy! What an ass. THANK YOU Dr. Dankenstein, i'm getting tired of people being dicks. I'd +rep if i could. Hey growwordie, YOU are wrong! "Co2 can kill you!!!!... Co2 can kill...
  18. normlpothead

    co2 generator or tank witch is better?

    Good point, if you have natural gas, i only knew one person to do that, most people are afraid to mess with their gas lines, and can't get a professional to do it for them. I'd say generators are best for greenhouses, or large rooms.
  19. normlpothead

    Co2 and Temps

    I said you CAN not i do, if you read my post i run at 80 degrees. One of my buddies rages some powerplant at 95-110 degrees in hydro with water chillers. There are many ways to grow, his weed isn't that great, but he doesn't smoke and it's really huge dense and profitable.
  20. normlpothead

    Co2 and Temps

    It would be better if the 1500ppm remained constant insted of venting off.