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  1. rene112388

    Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

    that sucks you have to have them finished by then that's why im considering moving to a better climate plus i miss my orchards :) no news on the plans for the grow yet will keep you all updated though hope you all are well
  2. rene112388

    All My Pictures!!!

    never trust a cop that smokes weed! cuz the first time you Piss them off they will take your pipe and your stash to enjoy themselves ;-)
  3. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    Hell yeah i do these days i just throw it and get more lol and thank you for The Congrats :)
  4. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    yep its true im Preggers.. apparently even the wildest of creatures can be tamed lol explains the crazy dreams huh?! i will be hopefully setting up my computer today so i can visit more threads got so time till baby comes so what better to do with my time then research some more.. need to get...
  5. rene112388

    Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

    well thank you slim but no its not the t5 one i was thinking about just getting the dirty dozen starter kit there was another one im checking into.. i do like the mother keeper as well but like you said start small and upgrade ;-) i was just mentioning the seeds cuz Bf want's to try at least one...
  6. rene112388

    All My Pictures!!!

    lol well lime always told me your thoughts influence your girls and the Penis cola proved it, don't recall who had the pistil Pussy but i bet i know what you were thinking ;-)
  7. rene112388

    Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

    ah gogrow why haven't you pm'd me you know i love a good rant ;-) slim that Fucking sucks about your plants very sorry to hear it! i'd still blame the city but then again im a woman so nothing is my fault lol im gonna be checking into attitude was gonna do clones but my own beans would be nice...
  8. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    hey i was wondering if you'd stop not much here just living life about to do the whole mommy thing pretty soon but still working about to get a grow going again found a nice tent for 300 i may snag how's things with you?
  9. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    the mirror me kept trying to trap me in mirror land in my dream last night Blah craziness do you know what its like trying not to look in a giant mirror when you walk into the bathroom?! rambles rambles rambles....
  10. rene112388

    All My Pictures!!!

    i had do the same as well it ended up being a 50g Penis shaped cola ;-)
  11. rene112388

    Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

    ah of course we don't mind seems like someone had a bad day.. as far as cars kicking them and telling them what a bad Bitch they are usually makes ya feel better ;-) well suppose you could try that with the wife but not sure that one would turn out so well lol
  12. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    oh i do apologize i was not offended at all but i tell my Bf the same when he brings up a hair brush some things would just be uncomfortable id imagine lol oh and that is a great thing ya did autism can be a challenge at times
  13. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    so i left out i was also lit on fire in the deal after the assassin seal attack very odd dream indeed...
  14. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    i wish i could multi quote from my phone but since i can't glad to see so many replies and 420god and raw nice to see you! girls aren't supposed to talk about it to men its not very lady like lol and don't remember who made the hair brush comment but shame on you
  15. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    hahaha i love it off to a great start! and masturbating ip only random depending on location ;-)
  16. rene112388

    T5 Flowering Results!

    hey man awesome pic's i love t5s! i used a t5 with 4 bulbs that i used for side lighting works great! im very interested in seeing more :)
  17. rene112388

    Revenge of Rene's random rambles

    so you've rambled with Rene you've gabbed with grizz but now im back for my revenge! lets see if we can make this rambles bigger and better than before! so welcome one and all to my crazy little world.. i'll start this one off with my random dream from last night.. it begins with me hearing...
  18. rene112388

    All My Pictures!!!

    hey lime thought id drop by and post so i am sub'd off to read through the thread a bit
  19. rene112388

    Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

    thank you both for the replies :) this will help me i think Bf and i were discussing the heat issue if we got hps he had said blasting the plants with co2 would help that you could have the heat much higher i told him it won't help as much as he thinks after i got done being grizz i explained...
  20. rene112388

    Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

    ok i need a kinda debate solved anyone know if adding co2 helps with the heat issues im understanding this book different than the Bf..