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  1. Shannon Alexander

    My little grow op has been compromised...

    I'm too pretty for prison...
  2. Shannon Alexander

    My little grow op has been compromised...

    Update... Found a new home for near half of my plants... they are going to a friend of a friend and wont have to die young... makes me a little happier knowing that somebody is gonna get something from this fuck up...
  3. Shannon Alexander

    Belief Without Evidence WTF?

    I've been physically healed before through faith by the power of god in a christian church and I'm not even 50% sure that Jesus was anything but a prophet... People always say that they want proof but then when presented with truthful testimony about peoples experiences with miracles they always...
  4. Shannon Alexander

    Gays are Human too, just confused

    And to add to the conversation on sodomy, sodomy is a sexual act that wouldn't lead to the possibility of reproduction, so anyone that has gotten head before has committed an act of sodomy...
  5. Shannon Alexander

    Gays are Human too, just confused

    Love is just a chemical reaction and the point of life is to continue on reproducing... if two girls or two guys fall in love with each other like that then in my eyes it is an abnormally functioning brain...
  6. Shannon Alexander

    Gays are Human too, just confused

    I believe that in most cases homosexuality is caused by an abnormally functioning brain, I also have no doubt that some people do choose the homosexual lifestyle for a variety of reasons... Yes they are human and if they choose to not reproduce I'm more than happy with their decisions...
  7. Shannon Alexander

    Crumple or fold?

    It is the principle of the matter.
  8. Shannon Alexander

    My little grow op has been compromised...

    Thanks man... It shits me off to no end that it's come to this cause of one guy being somewhere that he wasn't supposed to be. I'm glad I noticed him at it tho. It'd be a much worse feeling I'm sure to get arrested for this shit...
  9. Shannon Alexander

    My little grow op has been compromised...

    He does have horses...
  10. Shannon Alexander

    My little grow op has been compromised...

    I'm not friends with anyone else with a property and I'm not sure I'd risk a friend like that even if I did... I know a guy that might have a couple of spare lights I could borrow but that's a long shot and wouldn't cover all my babies... I might try to save a couple of the Sativas... but this...
  11. Shannon Alexander

    My little grow op has been compromised...

    Nosy neighbour walking on my property... I was growing outside down the back of a sizable property in a rural area, neighbours so far away you probably wouldn't hear them get shot in their front yard... The dude always seemed like the sort of person that wouldn't rat about something like that...
  12. Shannon Alexander

    Crumple or fold?

    Fold... I lived with a guy that crumpled and he used like 3x as much paper as I did... even went away for 2 weeks once and he and his girlfriend used up 8 rolls of shitter paper... like how the hell do 2 people in 14 days use close to half a roll a day of the tissue that I paid for... arseholes...
  13. Shannon Alexander

    My little grow op has been compromised...

    I have had my little grow up compromised and am gonna have to kill off my 89 babies just to be safe and I'm quite upset about this... cause 89 would send me directly to jail, do not pass go do not collect $200... I feel like a monster having to kill so many...
  14. Shannon Alexander

    Objective Sexual(s)

    Yeah same sort of stuff as Icy Hot... I guess it must just be an Australian thing... I would not put tiger balm near my precious... kudos to you for sharing your experience tho... Finalgon would be worse... I wish I could find the right kind of nut job that'd put that on their privates... the...
  15. Shannon Alexander

    Obama Grows Government at Record-Shattering Pace

    God Bless America... Cause it seems like Obama damned you guys... I wish you all the best...
  16. Shannon Alexander

    What's the longest you've gone without burning one?

    about 6 months I think is the longest...
  17. Shannon Alexander

    wonder why 8 yr olds get knocked up?

    Soooo Immaculate conception isn't the answer..?
  18. Shannon Alexander

    Does everybody who smoke weed, smoke cigarettes too?

    We know we smell like stale tobacco smoke... No need to bring it up all the time... You don't need to tell an asian that they have slanted eyes, it's a fact that they already know...
  19. Shannon Alexander

    Does everybody who smoke weed, smoke cigarettes too?

    No offense intended Urca but just because somebody smokes for a life time does not guarantee that they get cancer and just because you have a family member that was a lifetime smoker that got cancer does not mean that smoking was definitely the cause the doctors only make a best guess as to what...
  20. Shannon Alexander

    White splotches on leaves...

    The night time temps are still fairly low at the moment considering it's just starting spring here...Cheers for the information on the PM...