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  1. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Yeah. That works also. A little trickier than it sounds. You gotta pull that shit straight.
  2. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    I seen it at age also but was 2010 and they had pucks on fat rod they draw on.
  3. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Actually I think you use two flat round 4" discs. Like this. ========= - solid rod [] - 4" disc &#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;&#8226; - milli sticks ============[] <--- draw your image a couple times on top of itself. So it's THICK ============[][]============= Add your other...
  4. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Draw a thick image on a 4" solid disc. Then heat and pull out down to small sticks.
  5. dankshizzle

    Question for glass blowers. Difference between obsidian and normal glass

    I have a black color called obsidian. What bennifits would you get? Is it strong?
  6. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    The rigs are 100-150 minis are 75$ WITH titanium
  7. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    I owe you one. I told you that. And the feet are hella welded on this time. I swear. Like one piece. Slyme/clear. As you wish.
  8. dankshizzle

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Lol.......... 8) The test I want to see is budder thc % a day after its ready then another thc% a month later. Because that's my problem with it. It degrades and crumbles. I smoke cigarettes and don't care about the rest. I'll smoke budder. Just not make it. And want the highest % of thc. Not...
  9. dankshizzle

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Thats the temp I wondered about. The h20 temp. Warranties are the shit. Only reason bbb torch is better than vector. Can take it back locally. No matter how painted, stickers, broken base. Anything. Even no box or reciept. I've did it with all those.
  10. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Also on the rigs I can include a male gong joint downstem to make it a dome.
  11. dankshizzle

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    What temps do you use on "low temps"
  12. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Oh yeah verde, speaking of burns a huge hot chunk of glass landed in my pocket and melted my shorts to my thigh. Fuckin sucked. I burned my hand trying to pull it out and ended up dropping my shorts in front of 3 dudes and 4 girls. I even burned my boxers. Was funny yet scary at the same time...
  13. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Heres a idea of how these are made. My first set of Rigs I'm happy with. They are two pieces to cut down on costs and time. People in my area can't buy 200$ rigs. So I used a grommet. You never pull the swing out so I figure it doesn't matter and I don't have to seal a downstem or a fitting on...
  14. dankshizzle

    Question for glass blowers. Difference between obsidian and normal glass

    The glass has to be cooled slowly and evenly to not crack. And the 33 Coe doesn't mix with any others. If you can get me a tube of obsidian I'll try ;)
  15. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    No. I'll have to make some tubing. Let me try a simpler one first before I do a headies. I can just make a couple bodies.
  16. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    You wanted it longer than 2"? Lol
  17. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    I have one I'm looking for a good spot to get em. I'll whip one out.
  18. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    He ordered a 3" and it came out 2.75-3". Biggest I've made. It's in the kiln. I really like it too.
  19. dankshizzle

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    Here is your mega dish. Took a whole stick of Slyme! I forgot you wanted it huge till right before I made it. I didn't have as much color tubing for a large dish so I improvised with a huge Slyme swirl and the wig wag on the sides. I think it looks dope. And I have highly educated pads if...
  20. dankshizzle

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Here's a handle I put on one.