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  1. S

    Illinois Window Tint Laws and Tint laws In General

    just had a buddy that gave attitude back to a cop a week ago and got a DUI for having drank 1 beer with dinner at a restaurant .... but yeah... it was hard to just sit there and act like i care, be quiet, and be polite, but i had to do it considering i was smoking on a chllum when he was passing...
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    AM I In the clear?!?!

    it can take a while for them to sex while they are just in veg, my guess is they did it because you shortened their days and they are preparing themselves to flower. A lot of people don't veg long enough for their plants to mature before they flower them. World goes round is a tight song. My...
  3. S

    Illinois Window Tint Laws and Tint laws In General

    So i live in Illinois and let me be the first to say that i'm honestly fine with state troopers being cut by 1/3 due to budget cuts... probably one of the better things that could happen IMO. So here's my story... just happened about 30 minutes ago. I'm driving home from class on the...
  4. S

    yellowing spreading up the plant now..pH?

    what are you feeding them? if your ph is between about 6.5 and 7.0, this shouldn't be happening... Sounds more to me like you are using phosphorus heavy flowering nutrients and are forgetting about all of the nitrogen you need for the stretch or maybe over fertilizing.... get some pics up for us!
  5. S

    AM I In the clear?!?!

    first off, slightly stoopid is the shit (the band, just saw them in chicago last month) so +rep for that because it encouraged me to play some music haha.... your plants just sexed, congrats! All it means is that they are technically matured now... completely normal. Usually happens after about...
  6. S

    molasses or not?

    I honestly don't think molasses does anything for taste and if i knew it did i probably wouldn't use it because then it would add homogeneity in taste between all of my strains... i'd rather have all of my strains taste the way they are meant to, you know? Taste is dependent on a lot of things...
  7. S

    just smoked some grand daddy purp PICS

    I'd love to... as soon as i have the money to move from Illinois anyways :bigjoint:haha
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    should i give up on her?

    At this point i wouldn't say you have much to lose by carefully removing the seed coat and seeing if it will make it... I wouldn't count on it at this point though, but you never know... worth a try
  9. S

    How important is knowing the EC / having an EC meter?

    EC and ppm are essentially the same difference. EC is just more universal because it will be the same whether your ppm is .5 or .7 conversion. If you have an ec of 2.0, then ppm at .5 conversion will be about 1000 and .7 will be 1400 while EC remains constant. As long as you are monitoring ppm...
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    Bucket or hole in the ground

    dig the hole and put your own soil mix in, if you use a bucket it will limit your root growth to the size of the bucket...
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    truly the easiest way to grow for beginers or advanced.

    Really....?:clap:... After all these years i finally realize that if i would have just been using the right kind of poop for fertilizer and some aluminum foil i would have been pullin some major "benjis" out of my plants:wall: ... You could have just said plant some seeds outside and watch them...
  12. S

    molasses or not?

    i would only recommend using it in soil if you are going to use it... don't know if you are in soil or hydro, assuming soil though. I've tried molasses among other things (bud candy, botanicare sweet) a few times and haven't ever really noticed any difference between using something and not...
  13. S

    do i need cal-mag using lucas formula

    it's actually a pretty frequently debated topic... In my experience, i would say that yes... you do need it, but at the same time, you can get by without it. I do a full strength dose only when i start to see a slight mg def, but that's it. I don't think lucas formula was ever intended to be...
  14. S

    Yay new grower any tips????

    since you are only using one, possibly 2 containers... i would change out the water every week. Once the plants are bigger, you can top off with ph'd nute solution ever day or two as needed.
  15. S

    Yay new grower any tips????

    for the most part, i don't use tap water. bought a sweet R/O setup for 130 bucks, my tapwater is outrageous due to all of the agriculture. tapwater can be ok and at the same time a lot of people don't like it. If your tapwater has 400ppm in it, then that's 400ppm of of balanced nutrients you...
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    Yay new grower any tips????

    you should use seperate containers for each plant. I would drop the hps for now and try to get some cfls or flourescent tubes up close to them, they are still seedlings and don't the intensity of the hps. you don't NEED mylar, but it's nice. flat white paint or panda film is fine too. Watch your...
  17. S

    co2 all the time or in cycles??

    it depends on your cfh rate that you use on your regulator. Also, the calculator is based on you exhausting the air in your room every 3 hours or the air returning to an ambient 200-300ppm every 3 hours. Assuming that you are running your setup at 2cfh, you would have to leave it on for about...
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    Need to exhaust a 10x7x7 room diy carbon scrubber... amazing design and works great, about 80 bucks and you can order large amounts of air phase carbon on ebay.... 6 inch fan, 80 bucks. 160...
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    What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

    just speculating, but i think what really happened here is that the lady with purple finger that just voted is the same lady on the ground with her husband and her faced burned off... that's what sadaam probably did to her for voting.
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    1994 summer tour greatful dead shirt, 16yo. should i ever wear this?
