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  1. Xeno420

    Chopped And Screwed
  2. Xeno420

    Help Me Solve This Problem (First Grow)

    Orale lil carnalito! I'm proud of you! You made it this far and man, I guarantee that you learned a SHIT LOAD from this experience. That little plant is just stunted a little bit but it's female. Keep an eye on it and prepare for the fruits of your hard work. It's rare to find people that have...
  3. Xeno420


    You can start whenever you want. You can even go 12/12 from the get go but the plant will only flower when it is mature enough. Anything above 5 or 6 nodes should be mature enough to flip the switch though.
  4. Xeno420

    i dont know what leaf this is can anyone tell me

    Sativa or mostly Sativa because of the skinny elongated leaflets
  5. Xeno420

    3 Word Story

    They smell funny
  6. Xeno420

    I Got Ripped Off 700$

    Small claims court. Now I'm sure of what you are talking about brother. I'm sorry to hear that you're giving up. Use your illness as a lever, it will work, all you have to do is have faith. Namaste
  7. Xeno420

    Help ventilating my tent please!

    Circulate into the room and keep an eye on temps. I would open all the doors in your living area that I can so that there is no radical fluctuation in temps anywhere in the house... live comfortable. If not then just keep the door to your grow area open so that the thermostat can level itself...
  8. Xeno420

    Stealth Refrigerator

    Use a hole saw on the inside of that fridge & freezer with some high CFM PC fans installed in a push pull config with an old easily modded PSU from a computer (purchase used for 10 - 20 dollars). Make sure the holes are on the top and towards the back of the freezer part with some 180 degrees...
  9. Xeno420

    What Does A Quarter Look Like?

    Proper Quarter 7.0, big difference in size.
  10. Xeno420

    So Get This Shit

    $50 will get me a LB, then again, everything is 10 to 20 times higher when it reaches where you're at.
  11. Xeno420

    Flowering WAY too early?

    Don't even trip. Summer Solstice was June 21st so the days are only getting shorter. Let them ride ^_^
  12. Xeno420

    Please help me with a reality check since I am not experienced

    Google is your best friend for legalities and if you want to figure numbers, the seed banks have approximate veg and flower times included with all seeds. Read up on lighting and what you need, figure out total wattage (I.E. one 1000 watt light on for one hour = 1KWH - 100w for 10 hours = 1KWH)...
  13. Xeno420

    Kitty's Garden 2011

    Thats beautiful. The colors are super vivid! Thumbs up ^_^
  14. Xeno420

    how long till it sprouts

    This sounds correct. It depends on the handling, maturity of the seed, humidity, temp, oxygen present, etc... a lot of factors involved. Old seeds tend to last longer in bursting. I don't know if strain has to do with germination time.
  15. Xeno420

    How Much Longer Do You Think 'Til Harvest With Pics

    Go to radio shack and buy a magnifier for $15. Check the trichomes and/or snip a little bud, dry it and smoke up. You're the only one that can decide "how long". Don't be afraid about hurting the plant, just get a small bud from the bottom where they wont even grow big anyway. Good luck ^_^
  16. Xeno420

    fdd2blk's Basic Trimming And Topping Techniques

    Very nice plants FDD! No wonder you're top ish here ^_^. Wish I had a private back yard with lots of sun too.
  17. Xeno420

    really bad luck

    Kids that don't know what weed is. They needed the bucket for mom or dad or even for their own personal needs. Maybe he or she used it as a helmet after he/she cut holes in it... jk. Thats who I think did it. If it was another grower, he/she would have jacked those plants or have a homie do it...
  18. Xeno420

    Organic Window Grow from Michoacan Bagseed

    XW Turned out to be male, super stink off the leaves and would have been an awesome father but you know the drill about balls hanging around my girls, not only do they get snuffed, they get snuffed and boiled piece by piece as the rest of the plant watches until the head is boiled, then teh rest...
  19. Xeno420

    First CFL grow setup, any help or suggestions? pics inside

    Dont buy the whole "it's not enough light crap LOL! I suggest you take a look @ my grow and see how I grew 6 plants + 5 clones with only 33 watts and how it's all turning out. You will need more light eventually but you have enough for a couple-few (depending on strain, Indica vs Sativa) weeks...
  20. Xeno420

    The Choice I Never Made...

    I like this whole thread ^_^ If God, the Angels and the heavens were well before Satan, why did He/She/It create it then. God is supposed to be Alfa and Omega. Nothing is supposed to be impossible for God, so I guess He/She/It knew that the whole thing would come crashing down. It's been...