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  1. ruderalis88

    Who's Used This Portable Vape And What's It Like?

    cheers man, looks cool but it's more about the portable than about the price. quite liking the look of that vapor genie so might invest in one of them, got a sneak-a-vape (pretty much the same as a click-a-toke) on the way to me now so gonna see how that works out
  2. ruderalis88

    Is this a Marijuana plant?

    i'd say that's a negatory good buddy
  3. ruderalis88

    Talking about "drugs" over text

    just to be on the safe side i never use the actual drug names. or the word bomb for that matter. usually say stuff like "if ure at the shop can u get me some cereal" "going for a drink with charlie" "mandy's coming too" etc depending what drug it is. weed we call jeffrey
  4. ruderalis88

    Please help me Crack this safe! Combination Code Mystery. Need help cracking the code

    mate i'm SO jealous. wish my house came with a guncashweed safe! good on ya tho for crackin it
  5. ruderalis88

    Simple Game...

    piano tenchars
  6. ruderalis88

    I hate grasscity!

    "so i said i'd kill him ... but on a positive note here's a picture i drew" hahahahahahaha ah zock you've given me a great wee laugh here. nice bud sketch, nice enough cat (i'm not a cat person), brilliant post.
  7. ruderalis88

    Anyone order from before ?

    i've just ordered a sneak a vape so i'll let you know how that works out when it arrives
  8. ruderalis88

    its my birthday

    nirto i can't help you with the pics or the real life buds or women but happy birthday anyway
  9. ruderalis88

    Nasty Food ! Name the worst food.

    fucking olives! little cunts. and gherkins (pickles). rollmops and all other pickled/smoked fish. sushi is for yuppies, seagulls and japs and NOTHING will change my mind on that. i don't do too well with dead spicy food, always ends up in a pretty unpleasant toilet punishing session. stuff...
  10. ruderalis88

    Your favourite "high"

    i have to say man, this thread has really got me thinking and i've come to the conclusion that basically i just love getting high. what i like to do the most is smoke joints, and/or drink beer. i LOVE the feeling i get from a bong hit of tasty ganja. or a chillum with spicy squidgy black hash...
  11. ruderalis88

    Simple Game...

    celiac 10 chars
  12. ruderalis88

    What age do you think people should start smoking weed?

    i don't think you can just stick an arbitrary number on it. it's about maturity, development, the general state of the person in question. i know some 15 year olds who are great toking banter, and i know some 25 year olds who should definitely not be smoking. Like sludge says, if it does...
  13. ruderalis88

    Hookah and weed?

    it's ace man definitely load that clay fucker up! i like to use the apple flavour sheesh tobacco and mix it in with a bunch of the weed then pack it, foil, clay. soooo nice. i always find it gets you dead sneakily baked and then you suddenly realise you're fucked haha
  14. ruderalis88

    Simple Game...

    medicinal 10ch
  15. ruderalis88

    Who's Used This Portable Vape And What's It Like?

    excellent, i may well invest in one of these bad boys. thanks pal, good shout!
  16. ruderalis88

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    haha yes roots! well there is the whole angel coming to joseph in a dream but they were probably on some form of ye olde acid. any one else see the irony in a carpenter's foster son being killed on a wooden cross?
  17. ruderalis88

    Who's Used This Portable Vape And What's It Like?

    sounds good, i've just checked it out via google and it does look like what i'm after. How good is it in terms of non-smokey and non-smelly?
  18. ruderalis88

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    has no one pointed out that christianity is basically one woman's lie about virginity that got taken too far?
  19. ruderalis88

    Most paranoid experience when high?

    when i walk home high with headphones on i practically have a heart attack when i hear my own footsteps cause i think it's someone coming up behind me. the most ridiculous one though was a couple of years ago when i spent about 3 months doing nothing but take a LOT of drugs ALL the time, go to...
  20. ruderalis88

    canadian lawsuit: no babies allowed

    I think everyone should be respectful of the policy of whatever establishment they're in, but it's unfair to assume that ALL kids are screaming brats whose parents neither try nor know how to control them.