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  1. ThestonedMatrix
  2. ThestonedMatrix

    To Scrog or not to Scrog check her out what do you think

    Did not know that thank you very much
  3. ThestonedMatrix

    To Scrog or not to Scrog check her out what do you think

    Hey guys check out my baby shes five weeks today should I scrog or just let her grow..
  4. ThestonedMatrix

    Newbie grow! Advice please!!

    Dam bro looks good make sure to keep us updated
  5. ThestonedMatrix

    Caling all growers help!!!! see pics

    awesome man thanks it doesnt seem that bad now that you put it that way I thought maybe nats slice it but it makes alot of sense
  6. ThestonedMatrix

    Update check them out!!! See pics

    Yea shes not the biggest but shes a bush I did a lil of lst training when she was younger
  7. ThestonedMatrix

    Caling all growers help!!!! see pics

    Hey guys I am having some issues with wholes and rust spots also a few shrivel leaves if anyone could help this would be great
  8. ThestonedMatrix

    Update check them out!!! See pics

    check out my daughter 4 1/2 weeks what do u think
  9. ThestonedMatrix

    Anyone ordered from Attitude before?

    So y not be safe then sorry its whatever you perfer obviously he has some doubt about this card issue so y not play it safe
  10. ThestonedMatrix

    Anyone ordered from Attitude before?

    Hey bro use a prepaid card my boy used a prepaid card 3 times and it was all good then his fourth time last week he used his grandmas card boom they tried to take 3 gs but his banked stoped it I dont think its the company just hackers but its better to be safe then sorry
  11. ThestonedMatrix

    When To Harvest??? Is She ready? Little info plz...

    yea way to early bra bra
  12. ThestonedMatrix

    Stunned Growth? Grow Help

    Holy shit batman your watering way to much kick back on the water try every monday and thursday and see how that goes for you
  13. ThestonedMatrix

    Help flushing!!!

    cool thanks a lot man I ll give that a shot
  14. ThestonedMatrix

    Help flushing!!!

    Hey cool thanks alot I wanted to cut them will they fall on there own?
  15. ThestonedMatrix

    Help flushing!!!

    So what do I do now I feel so sad for her will she heal
  16. ThestonedMatrix

    Wtf is this?

    I have gotten some tips but anymore would be great
  17. ThestonedMatrix

    Check out the Girls (pic attach)

    Hey good looking bro I took them off and guess what some mother fucking dead nats I had thought of that once but space it well I bomb my pad today cause I had seen some and I havent seen any running on the soil hopefully all goes well
  18. ThestonedMatrix

    Help flushing!!!

    Dam I think your right I seen a few and killed them but then I havent seen any so I though i was good so fly trap huh damit how bad is this will it hurt me or is it still early
  19. ThestonedMatrix

    Help flushing!!!

    would over nut cause brown rust spots and clean little holes heres some pics
  20. ThestonedMatrix

    Help flushing!!!

    cool thank you