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  1. OB Cron Kenobi

    36 hours of darkness after veg?

    put the big ones into darkness? little ones direct light?
  2. OB Cron Kenobi

    36 hours of darkness after veg?

    ok I have decided to go 36 with some and directly to 12 with others. but... Which ones should i put into 36, the small ones or big ones? and how many in each, 11 doesnt divide evenly-...
  3. OB Cron Kenobi

    36 hours of darkness after veg?

    I am finishing my veg- and have done some reading about putting it into between 24-36 hrs of darkness between flowering? Has anyone done this or know about it? what is the science behind it? Would I be better off just going straight to 12/12 If you need to understand my specific setup, read...
  4. OB Cron Kenobi

    My First Grow and Journal

    actually I could... its easy to keep em in the dark- i can just throw em in a dark spare bedroom- and turn the light on some right now... should I put the small ones in 12/12 now or the big ones? if you look at the pics they definitly range a bit in size, between 10- and 14 inches
  5. OB Cron Kenobi

    My First Grow and Journal

    yeah what I have read says the 16 hr cycle is really controversial for that reason... But my feelings are this is a bagseed that has had some pretty rough beginnings with me not knowing what the hell i was doing, so it has experienced not so much stress- but a early growth stall- I am hoping...
  6. OB Cron Kenobi

    My First Grow and Journal

    great, thnx GrnMan- those numbers are easy for me to achieve in my basement- and the fan will stay running then!
  7. OB Cron Kenobi

    My First Grow and Journal

    ok- the light just timed out its final time in vegetation. I started vegetation with just having them set infront of windows, that wasnt going anywhere after a week- so for two weeks I ran the FL light on for 24hrs a day- that got them going to some degree- but RIU quickly taught me FL's wont...
  8. OB Cron Kenobi

    Sexing help!!!!???

    lol- if you send them to a friends house your fine, but honestly- i think your fine sending them to your house as well... I dont think the man is watching your everymove, I am assuming your a relatively small fish in this big pond- if you were ordering 100 seeds and an arsenol of soviet weapons...
  9. OB Cron Kenobi

    Sexing help!!!!???

    i have heard that if you germinate them in birth control water soaked paper towel it increases the percentages by 10% and that if you leave them in a carbon monoxide filled environment they will have a 50% chance of being female ( and a good chance of killing you from carbon monoxide poison)...
  10. OB Cron Kenobi

    My tent grow weekly First grow

    ohh that Kelvinator the Magnifacent (40) always drinking your bongwater! I may name my next bong this out of respect for such a great whale!
  11. OB Cron Kenobi

    My First Grow and Journal

    thats what I wanna know, 20% more, i'd wait if thats the case... but i need to know soon, my light cycle ends at 10- and i will either be leaving it off for 36 or leaving it on the timer to continue its cycle and wait till its 14-18 inches. 20% is a lot!
  12. OB Cron Kenobi

    New Beginning

    how long did u veg those girls for again, how tall were they when you put them into flowering, I am considering flowering now- (12-14 inches height) but if you waited to longer and got such high yeilds than i will follow suite- cuz whatever you did you did incredibly well- 3oz of a single plant...
  13. OB Cron Kenobi

    My First Grow and Journal

    I thought before going to 12-12 it was best to give it a period of darkness, between 24 and 36 hours- I was gonna do the 36 hours. If it gets to dense I can always put the FL's I had from the begining of my veg state on the bottom buds. Could I just attach the once hanging FL to a wall and...
  14. OB Cron Kenobi

    My first attempt at growing

    me inclination is that they are male, but you have a little longer to tell- there not pollinating anytime soon. I am hoping the best for you tho
  15. OB Cron Kenobi

    Exhaust help please

    well at least you have the assurance of feminized seeds.. they usually work from what i hear- but what a tradjedy that could end up. If you legally can then you legally should be growing 6!!! lol
  16. OB Cron Kenobi

    My First Grow and Journal

    lol i feel ya, i am leeching as we speak! and always do! its the way to go- Sweet- well i am putting into flower tonight then! will have an update later tonight and more pix on friday after the break of darkness
  17. OB Cron Kenobi

    Exhaust help please

    nice, looks like a good setup, update post to tell us if the pc fans do the trick- they look small but they move a lot of air. Is that your only plant!? I hope for godsakes that it is a girl, what will you do if it isnt, thats a lot of time to make up for! Best of luck keep it posted, and tell...
  18. OB Cron Kenobi

    New Beginning

    wow so on 2 plants you got 3 oz a piece and on the other you got 4 and your still waiting for the 4th plant to dry- thats an absolutely enormous harvest- you did right man! for sure! can you get a bud close up... i wanna see that shit- sounds great
  19. OB Cron Kenobi

    I think I saw a vagina....

    looks like a girl, those are white hairs emerging right? then it is