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  1. Xeno420

    The best way to clean my bong

    Alcohol is the only way to go. Don't expect it to dissolve the resin, you're going to have to let it sit overnight so it loosens up. Go to the 99 cent store and buy 1 or 2 of the big alcohol bottles and soak in a plastic bag or a container where you can submerge the bong into... Do not use hot...
  2. Xeno420

    Damn, you gonna get at them for the color of the bong? I would have been pissed (as a guy...

    Damn, you gonna get at them for the color of the bong? I would have been pissed (as a guy speaking) if they sent me a pink bong instead of the green one :P. Did they send the other pipes for free? So why does everything suck ass? Not enough time for yourself? Anyway, I've been preparing to go to...
  3. Xeno420

    I'm an a**hole, so what!

    Thanks :P!
  4. Xeno420

    The hippies grow

    Because the methods have changed. Everyone is in competition on who has the best bud and so a complete organic grow with no nutes and using artificial lighting is old school... you will never EVER get 'cannabis cup' quality bud this way. I am however interested in the results myself :)
  5. Xeno420

    how to harvest a pound using cfls?plz help!!!!

    To both of you, he mentioned CFL only, playing legit is the only way to fly.
  6. Xeno420

    The hippies grow

    I need to see this too, I have my popcorn ready.
  7. Xeno420

    AUTO Grow!!!

    Add to this: Do not jump from one room to the next with the same clothes and without a shower if you plan on growing the male out. All it takes is one single pollen spore to create a seed, I'm sure you'll have more than one spore on you... Auto strain male will pollinate 1-3 weeks
  8. Xeno420

    I'm an a**hole, so what!

    LMAO @ all of you, you're all assholes :P but I remain as "King Asshole" for the rest of you peons...
  9. Xeno420

    I'm an a**hole, so what!

    Hello fellow asshole :). Did you put your vote into the polls for this thread?bongsmilie
  10. Xeno420

    I'm an a**hole, so what!

    No more assholes out there? I'm sure RIU is chock-full of assholes like me :)
  11. Xeno420

    Obama bud

    Congratulations, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to learn something on your own.:mrgreen:
  12. Xeno420

    Obama bud

    LMAO! It was not Wiki, it was Webster's... why would you need a better explanation than what the dictionary says? I know you are trying to prove a point and make me look bad but you might end up looking just as stupid I do you. So let me rephrase that: "The truth is that the people don't...
  13. Xeno420

    Obama bud

    Ok, I'm confused, who are you talking to on these posts? I used the term "anarchy" to simply disavow the leaders...
  14. Xeno420

    Obama bud

    Are you trying to make me look stupid or something? Want an actual definition? Here it is as it was taken from the Webster's dictionary. Main Entry: an·ar·chy Pronunciation: \ˈa-nər-kē, -ˌnär-\ Function: noun Etymology: Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from...
  15. Xeno420

    Hey sexy, what's good? Long time no talk :P

    Hey sexy, what's good? Long time no talk :P
  16. Xeno420

    6 Inconvienient truths about slavery.

    Ummmm, I don't know in which sense you're saying it but ok, sure. Ooooohhhhhh!!! I get it now, like calling a black dude CrackerJax (Crackerjacks)...
  17. Xeno420

    Obama bud

    What you are talking about is not anarchy, it's called martial law. Do you know what martial law is? Anarchy is a state where there is no law, the people on the streets take over.
  18. Xeno420

    Obama bud

    What's new? All the presidents have been the same old thing. We already have enough on our plate with the world looking at us. The truth is that the people don't control the Government anymore and won't until Anarchy takes over... We can go on for days about things and it doesn't change a...
  19. Xeno420

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    How about you give the person the bud he/she requested and then call the cops and tell them you caught him/her jumping back over the fence after they ripped off some of your bud. Serious felony on many levels and it would be funny too. Edit: You'll have to snap off or slice off the branch(es)...
  20. Xeno420

    Obama bud

    So I have to grow up... Ditto. You're not even American... waste of my time. Edit: For the record I love everyone, but those that are from the outside talking shit about my country's leaders like they live here... Worry about your own leaders, not ours.