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  1. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Here are some recent and detailed pictures of the Blue Mystic. I did a FIM to it today.
  2. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Thanks SICC, out of all of those pictures it looks more like a Calcium diff.
  3. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    heres a picture, i think its calcium dif. or managese.
  4. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    I think it looks like calcium. heres a picture
  5. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    There are some brown spots showing on the BLue Mystic, i Think it might be a Manganese dif. I think i might of gave it too much Magnesium
  6. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Yeah I thinks thats what had happened. My light set up is...... 1-4ft 4bulb T5 Fixture 8-2ft T5 Light Strips 1-4ft T5 Light Strip 5-24W CFL Bulbs
  7. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    They started showing maybe like 1 and a half to 2 days after i sprayed the first spray that i purchased. Its not geting worse it just staying the same.
  8. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    I bought mine from They have it were you can buy single seeds and a good choice of seeds this one is great also, their prices are cheaper and they have some different strains that the first site i...
  9. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    yeah man those look great, they look similar to mine when they were around the same age.
  10. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    I LOOOVE diesel. Im thinking about doing some diesel outdoors this summer.
  11. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    I was thinking that too, because when I first sprayed I didnt it during mid day with all of the lights on (Newbie mistake).
  12. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    all of these ones are kush. Whats this on the leave?? I think its from the first spray that I used a few weeks ago.,
  13. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Week 5 1/2 Here are some recent pictures of my ladies. I seem to have the spider mite problem under control, even tho I don't see them I know that they are still there. I soaked them in Neem Oil on Wednesday and I am going to spray them down again tomorrow. So far so good. Does anyone have an...
  14. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    I like the way they are looking, when do you plan on flowering?? Thanks for that recipe for the CO2
  15. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Thanks, everything is going good, i got the spider mites under control. I should have some pics up by Sunday. How is that Diesel coming, thats my favorite strain to smoke.
  16. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Thanks for the tips. I just sprayed them today. I didnt have any problems at all with tthe Ocean Forest so far.
  17. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    They are a fucking PAIN IN THE ASS!!!! lol. I like the results so far with the Ocean Forest soil. Some people say its to strong for seedlings and germinated seeds, but mine did just fine in it.
  18. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    Here are those pictures of the problem. Like I said i think its from the spray and I had the lgiths on a dumb mistake by me
  19. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    I will post a new picture tomorrow, I think those second spots are from some previous sprays that I used. I will post some good detailed pics of them for you guys. The soil I am using is Fox Farm Ocean Forest. The mites are still around but now as many as previously, I will probably be spraying...
  20. BudsBelize

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    check out the pictures now of the Kush. Its reaaaaaalllly dense